Imagining life on other planets is usually the work of science-fiction authors, but increasingly it is becoming the work of current astronomers. Although it had been theorized that there existed other planets outside of our solar system, exoplanets were only confirmed in the late 1980s. The field exploded when the Kepler space telescope started finding thousands of exoplanets. A rich field of study was born.
One of IU’s own astronomers focuses on the interactions of these distant planetary systems. Dr. Songhu Wang became interested in exoplanet research when he was learning about non-linear dynamics in his undergraduate years. He worked with chaos theory, where “if your initial conditions are a little bit different, your results are totally different.” He started out being interested in pure mathematics, but got drawn into the practical aspects of it. Chaos theory can be applied to diverse fields of study like the stock market, weather systems, or even the spread of disease based on the movement of people. Of course, it’s also used in astronomy. (more…)