I was playing with a couple of designs for the laser. One is a trinket for an upcoming Maker Camp. The other is using periodic table blocks to spell out STEAM (you cant spell STEM….no element symbols for that combo).
The trinket was the reminder that not all SVG’s are the same.
A colleague sent a logo. When I imported it to one design software, it was blank. It did show that there were two rectangular boxes… So I opened it in another (AI) and the image part showed up. But when i played with the corners some text showed up. So that was interesting. I played around sizing and copy & pasted parts to new files…. and exported as svg. The original design software where I create laser things now said “could not find geometry”…Whatever that means. If I import the original svg into glowforge, the whole thing (image & text) shows up. Odd. BUT I dont want to engrave all that text. I really just want the image. So i went to using a jpg of the image that someone else sent me. After lasering, i really want to separate the two parts of the image (atom from county outlines) so I can make the outlines show up better without the atom getting too dark. But there are not 2 layers to the image that I have (svg or png).
On medium draftboard, the engrave was 1000 speed and full power, score was 300 speed and 50%, cut was 180 speed and full power. It took just over 4 minutes.
The other design I played with was STEAM using atomic symbols (i dont now why….it just popped in my mind)
Pull up a periodic table and get the info needed. I used number, symbol, name, mass. I did not want to engrave, so I picked a font for the symbol that was more of an outline. Archivo narrow looked good, there were many choices. Be sure to set this as “stroke” and not “fill” in order to score it. For the name and numbers, i picked an actual single line font, EMS readability. There are many fonts to choose from for everything, so you should be able to find something you like.
Just remember to change the “cut” settings to “score”
Sulfur file