We have 2 Brother GX37 sewing machines on the van, so I wanted to do a beginner project for using them. I decided to make a couple of throw pillows , around 20″x20″.
I went to JoAnn Fabrics to get some clearance material ($3 per yard – 42″ wide) (got the end of a bolt – even more sale) and some PolyFil ($25/5 pounds).Yes, I got 5 pounds of fill, NOT that I expected to use that much for 2 pillows. There might be future uses.
I cut off 22″ so I would have a 22″x42″ rectangle. I folded it over so that it was inside out. I put some pins in to hold the fabric in place and started with a straight stitch. After the first few , I pressed the reverse button , because that is what I have heard to do. When I get to a pin I pull it out and continue down the fabric and reverse a little at the end. Then I decided to do a second stitch, a zigzag, next to the straight. It just seemed like a good idea, two stitches better than one (i hope). Turn my fabric around, pin the other side and repeat the sewing

On the first pillow, I decided to stuff it before the final seam. It did make sewing the whole seam a little difficult and I missed a couple of places. With the second pillow, I sewed most of that final seam, then stuffed the pillow. finally I closed it off.

I left the settings for stitch length / width and tension at 3 on the machine

The hard parts to get better at/more comfortable with :
going straight
threading the thread and needle (this machine has a needle assist)
feeding the bottom bobbin correctly
37 stitches???