Last week I attended the Indiana STEM Education Conference at Purdue. It is a very quick day.
There was a keynote, session, vendor hall, session, lunch, 2 sessions and done. There were about 60 sessions to choose from, often several in the same time slot to attend. It is a good idea to take a team to the conference so you can divide and conquer and get to all the sessions of interest. Then make sure on the way home or back at school that you take time to talk about everything.
I attended a “Green Our Planet” session on their work with incorporating gardening & hydroponics into the classroom. They have STEM content and 1:1 coaching (I do not know the cost). Their main office is Las Vegas. They hold two “Giant Student Run Farmers Markets” out there and hope to help others across the nation.
Session two I went to “micro-hydroponics” by ITEEA . Think 6 qt, shoebox size, and utilizing a microbit to monitor water and activate a pump.
The third session was by Randy Jordan and how he reprocesses HDPE (#2 plastic). He has made many things in his experiments (plates, bowls, cups, clip boards…). He is not working large scale, just a good shredder (milk jugs are best for this because they have “flat” sides) , cookie sheet, parchment paper and an oven set to 315 F.. The plastic doesnt so much “melt” as it gets workable. It can be cut & drilled like wood.

The final session I went to was nextech about some general AI ideas.
The day goes by too quickly and there really wasnt much time to chat with people
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