Organic Voices 2022-23
Now in its third season, the JSOM Organ Department’s Organic Voices project this year has gone “free range” – students and faculty are exploring a wide variety of music by underrepresented composers.
This includes music from composer’s representing each performer’s cultural or ancestral heritage and music by emerging composers. Please join us for the first event presented by the Fishell Studio on Feb. 28, 2023.

The 2021-22 Organic Voices project focussed on organ music by women composers.
Pictured here are members of the Fishell studio on the first Organic Voices recital of the year, which took place on November 15, 2021 in Auer Hall.

View our Department’s inaugural Organic Voices video project in which students and faculty perform pieces from MorningStar Music’s African-American Organ Music Anthology.