We are proud to offer a new Performer Diploma in Organ Improvisation.
For details about applications and audition process, see this link:

Fall 2024 Jacobs Organ Department Faculty
Professors Christopher Young, Janette Fishell and Jeffrey Smith, at the console of C.B. Fisk, Opus 135.
The Charles & Kenda Webb-Thomas & Ellen Ehrlich
Great Organ, C.B. Fisk, Op 91
Alumni Hall, I.U. Memorial Union
On behalf of a dedicated and energetic body of students and faculty, welcome to the Internet home of the Organ Department at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. This portion of the JSoM website is designed to give prospective students an overview of the opportunities available in the department, and to provide current students with up-to-date information about course offerings, recitals, and degree requirements.
This site also contains information for those who wish to enroll as a secondary or non-major student in applied organ, carillon or coursework; likewise, you will find links to information on our three upcoming summer courses for non-university students – the Sacred Music Intensive course for church musicians aged 18+, the Jacobs Organ Academy for pre-college and collegiate organists and our newest summer course, the Jacobs Summer Schola designed for choristers and organ scholars interested in making vocal chamber music with an emphasis on early repertoire. Also new this year is the launch of the Jacobs Organ Academy that offers year-round organ lessons for those in Bloomington and the surrounding area.
In addition, I invite you to explore our collection of pipe organs, audition requirements, upcoming events, bios and contact information for our faculty, an overview of our students and their accomplishments, our Carillon homepage listing many exciting opportunities for those wishing to ring one of our two campus carillons, our Alumni (Indiana Organists United) page, and the Bloomington AGO chapter.
In its 80 plus years of existence this department has consistently produced graduates of the highest caliber, taught by faculty who bring equal amounts of expertise and commitment to their teaching. If you have not yet viewed our department video found on the Organ Department homepage, please do, as it provides insight into how we have defined both our mission and ethos. We would love to hear from you, so please feel free to contact me, or any of my colleagues, using the information on our faculty links.
With every best wish,
Janette Fishell, DMus
Professor of Music,
Chair, Jacobs Organ Department
Students and Faculty of the 2023-2024 Academic Year
and the
Maidee H. and Jackson A. Seward Organ, C.B. Fisk, Op 135
Auer Hall, Simon Music Center
Video Introduction to the IU Organ Department
During the 2020-2021 academic year our auditions were held online so we produced this video of “A Day in the Life of a JSOM Organ Major” as a way of giving prospective students a glimpse into our world. Although we have returned to in-person auditions we continue to make this video available to you as a kind of virtual welcome mat. Enjoy!
March 2021
March Madness on the Carillon!
Check out this video of the March Madness Theme Song played on the Metz Carillon by our very own Carillon AI, Lynnli Wang! Go Lynnli!