Christopher Young, Janette Fishell, Jeffrey Smith
Experience, Professional Engagement, and a Passionate Commitment to Teaching
Our internationally recognized faculty bring a wealth of experience, talent, and wisdom to the department. In addition to their work at the Jacobs School, they are active on the national and international stages as recitalists, teachers, lecturers, and recording artists.
Janette Fishell
Professor of Music (Organ); Chair, Organ Department
Areas of instruction: Applied organ at all degree levels; Organ Pedagogy and Organ Pedagogy Practicum
Phone: 812-855-3969
Office: East Studio Building, JS222
Prof. Dr. Janette Fishell at the Eberhard Friedrich Walcker organ in Neuhausen auf den Fildern, Germany, interivew and performance of works from Robert Schumann, Studien für den Pedalflügel op. 56, and from Dudley Buck the Concert variations on the “The star-spangled banner” Op. 23.
More recordings can be found under the Media tab at:
Jeffrey Smith
Professor of Practice
Areas of instruction: Organ: Sacred Music
Back home again in Indiana: Organ Improvisation by Jeffrey Smith
Humbly I adore thee (Adoro te devote): Organ Improvisation by Jeffrey Smith
Christopher Young
Professor of Music (Organ)
Areas of instruction: Applied organ at all degree levels; Seminars in Organ Literature
Office: East Studio Building, JS324
Féte by Jean Langlais. Performed by Christopher Young on the Maidee Seward Organ in Auer Hall on April 30, 2010.
Organ Professors at Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music
George Wilson (19??-1975; Professor Emeritus, 1975)
Oswald G. Ragatz (1942-1983; Professor Emeritus, 1983)
Robert Rayfield (1963-1990; Professor Emeritus, 1990)
Clyde Holloway (1965-1977)
Wilma Jensen (1977-1981)
Larry Smith (1981-2008; Professor Emeritus, 2008)
Marilyn Keiser (1983-2008; Chancellor’s Professor Emerita, 2008)
Christopher Young (since 1991)
John Schwandt (2002-2006)
Todd Wilson (2008-2009)
Janette Fishell (since 2008)
Jeffrey Smith (Visiting, 2009-2011)
Bruce Neswick (2011-2015)
Douglas Reed (Visiting, 2015-2017)
Vincent Carr (2017-2021)