The IOU Grand Reunion is now in a condensed form on Sunday August 27 and Monday, August 28.

2017 IOU Reunion Attendees at the Banquet and Closing Recital
President: A. Lee Barlow (MM ‘88)
Vice-President: Tom Nichols (BME ‘92)
Secretary: Dr. Carol Nave (DM ‘13)
Past President: Vicki Schaeffer (DM ‘92)
Honorary Founding President: David K. Lamb (BME ’83, BM ’83, MS ’83, SME ’94, DM ’00)
Honorary Lifetime Member: Thomas F. Wood (BM ’66, MM ’68)
Indiana Organists United: founding, purpose, membership, activities
Indiana Organists United Alumni Association (“IOU”) was established in 2005 under the auspices of the Indiana University Alumni Association as a constituent society Organ Department. IOU owes its existence to the energy and vision of David K. Lamb (BM/BME ’83, MS ’85, SME ’94, DM ’00), who has remained an active part of the organization from its inception and now serves in perpetuity as Honorary Founding President.
Its purpose is six-fold:
to provide a means for the ongoing association of Indiana Organists United members;
to advance the interests and promote the welfare of IOU;
to provide support for Jacobs School of Music organ students, alumni, faculty, and staff;
to promote awareness of the Jacobs School of Music, organ traditions, and history of IOU;
to administer the Oswald Gleason Ragatz Alumni Award;
to host an alumni reception at the biennial national conventions of the American Guild of Organists.
The following are considered Regular Members of IOU:
Alumni, defined here as those persons who have been official students of the Indiana University JSOM Organ Department, regardless of university major.
Faculty or Staff, defined here as anyone who has served as a faculty or staff person in the Indiana University JSOM Organ Department in a full-time or part-time/adjunct capacity.
Friends who have expressed a desire to support the goals of IOU and JSOM Organ Department.
No dues are required to be part of this group, though financial support of IOU’s activities is much appreciated.
Reunion Conferences
IOU has held regularly occurring reunions since 2006. These 2-3 day events are both a time of personal refreshment and professional renewal, and each is designed to allow time for alumni to reconnect with one other, faculty, current students, the school and university, as well as favorite Bloomington haunts. It also serves as a valuable platform for the department’s current organ students to meet alumni, forging new bridges between generations of organists. Most conferences have had a theme related to the organ and its context in the Church and Academy. Presentations by alumni, students, faculty and guest presenters include practical workshops, lectures, masterclasses, liturgies and recitals.
2006 Inaugural Reunion Conference
2008 Second Biennial Reunion Conference
2010 Bach to School, celebrating the inaugural year of the Seward Organ of Auer Hall, C.B. Fisk, Opus 1352012
2012 New Fingers for Old Music

2013 An Organ at the Crossroads, celebrating the inaugural year of the newly-acquired Webb-Ehrlich Great Organ of Alumni Hall, C.B. Fisk, Opus 91
photo of Presenter William Porter with improvistion masterclass participants, Kartika Putri, Michael Gebhart, and Jonathan Rudy

2015 What, in God’s Name, Are You Doing? – An Ecumenical Conference Exploring Vocation in Worship and the Arts
photo of Keynote Speaker, The Rev. Barbara Brown Taylor, with IU faculty and Administration
2017 The Divine Collaboration: Sounding the Sacred in Difficult Times
2020 Grand Reunion, celebrating the Jacobs School of Music Organ Department’s 80 Years (Note: due to Covid-19 restrictions, the 2020 conference has been postponed.)
The Oswald Gleason Ragatz Distinguished Alumni Award
The IOU bestows this award upon outstanding alumni at each biennial reunion, in conjunction with the recipient’s performance, lecture or other presentation. Nominations are solicited by the IOU Board and vetted by the Selection Committee.
William F. Entriken (BM ’71)
Herndon Spillman (MM ’68, DM ’77)
Peter Richard Conte (Performer’s Certificate ’84)
Jesse Eschbach (BM ’73, MM ’75)
George Ritchie (DM ’74)
David Schrader (MM ’76, DM ’87);
posthumous award to Michael Farris (MM ’85)
William H. Bates (MM ’68, DM ’78)
Janette Fishell (BM ’81, MM ’82)
Carla Edwards (DM, ‘8),
Yun Kim (MM, ’96, DM, ’05)
Yoon-Mi Lim ( DM, ’10 )
James Mellichamp (DM, 1982)
2017: Faythe Freese (DM,1991 )
Alumni and Friends Receptions at the AGO Biennial National Conventions
These informal gatherings, usually held on an evening when other academic programs also welcome back their graduates, provide an opportunity to connect with one another during a busy convention, and to celebrate IOU members, faculty and students who are performing and presenting at the convention.
Biannual Newsletter
IOU produces an on-line newsletter approximately every Fall/Spring of each academic year. Please see our latest and archived newsletters here.
Want to join the IOU?
Please contact our President, Vicki Schaeffer (DM, ’92) at
Organ Professors at IU
The first degree in organ performance was awarded in 1943 to Mary L. Christena (who later became Mary Ragatz, wife of Oswald G. Ragatz, professor of organ from 1942-1983). Since that time, more than 400 students have studied organ in the Jacobs School of Music at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The legacy of organ graduates at Indiana has come full circle, with “one of our own,” Janette Fishell (BM ’81, MM ’82) serving as department chairperson. Dr. Fishell follows in the footsteps of distinguished pedagogues who have taught in the department:
George Wilson (19??-1975; Professor Emeritus, 1975)
Oswald G. Ragatz (1942-1983; Professor Emeritus, 1983)
Robert Rayfield (1963-1990; Professor Emeritus, 1990)
Clyde Holloway (1965-1977)
Wilma Jensen (1977-1981)
Larry Smith (1981-2008; Professor Emeritus, 2008)
Marilyn Keiser (1983-2008; Chancellor’s Professor Emerita, 2008)
Christopher Young (since 1991)
John Schwandt (2002-2006)
Todd Wilson (2008-2009)
Janette Fishell (since 2008)
Jeffrey Smith (2009-2011)
Bruce Neswick (2011-2015)
Robert Nicholls (2015-2017)
Douglas Reed (2015-2017)
Vincent Carr (since 2017)
Graduates of the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music Organ Department
Please note: Please send corrections and completions to Janette Fishell.
Mary Louise Christena/ Ragatz BM 1943
Donald Ray Beikman BM 1949
Berniece Fee Mozingo BM 1949
Perry Goggin Parrigin BM 1949
Richard Arthur Carlson BM 1949
Wyatt M. Insko BM 1950
Robert Lee Reed BM 1950
Maurice Everett Taulman BM 1950
Harry Wilbur Gay MM 1950
Dewy W. Layton Jr. MM 1950
Eleanor J. Maynard MM 1950
Evangeline Ann Mitchell MM 1950
Eleanor Jean Sourbeer MM 1950
George Byron Hackett BM 1951
Hannah R. Wolf BM 1951
Euel Hobson Belcher Jr. MM 1951
David Allan Drinkwater BM 1952
Ellen Beistle Ball Ferguson BME 1952
William Walker Wenger BME 1952
Beverly C Bundy MM 1952
Billy Paul Hays MM 1952
Lois Marie Harman BM 1953
Carole Butler Hobart BME 1953
Ellen Beistle Ball Ferguson BM 1954
Jean Earle Felix BM 1954
Lucy Anne McCluer MM 1954
Herbert Leslie White Jr. MM 1954
Dorothy A Williams MME 1954
Jean P Workman MME 1954
Harry Wilbur Gay DM 1954
Donald Dean Kilmer BM 1955
Bonnie Lou Swearer Stephan BM 1955
Claude Gillet Foronda MME 1955
Joan Yvonne Strader Hammersmith MME 1955
Edward Max Stochowicz BSOF 1956
James Dale Fitzpatrick BM 1956
Virginia Ellen Richardson Stephanson BME 1956
Elaine Ann Kaveler Johnson BME 1956
Mangham David Lehr BME 1956
Jerry R. Hoover MM 1956
Donald Dean Kilmer MM 1956
Gloria J. Slagle MM 1956
Mary E Vlahos MM 1956
Doris Block BSOF 1957
Marilyn J Brace BM 1957
Arlene Marie Combs Kern BME 1957
Sylvia S. Gormley BME 1957
Sylvia Sue Sparks BME 1957
Doris Marilyn Day Mortensen BSOF 1957
Ronald Lee Dawson MM 1957
Carol Marie Chenoweth Voris MME 1957
Colleen S. Benninghoff BSOF 1958
Jacqueline Pemberton BM 1958
Elinor A Klotz Cokinos BME 1958
John William Coleman BME 1958
James Dale Fitzpatrick MM 1958
Lida E Matthen MM 1958
Winnifred L. McGinnis MM 1958
Esther Byrd MME 1958
Mary R. Yates BM 1959
Ray Robert Welch BME 1959
Constance E West MM 1959
Lloyd Eldred Cast Jr. BM 1960
Charlotte May Isgrigg McLain BM 1960
Proctor Crow Jr. BM 1960
Jacob Alfred Lovens BM 1960
Kenneth M Ahrens MM 1960
Carol Ann Kurtz Pemberton MM 1960
Sister M. Nathan MME 1960
Myrna Dyne Trowbridge BM 1961
Lloyd Eldred Cast Jr. MM 1961
Jacob Alfred Lovens MM 1961
Herbert Leslie White Jr DM 1961
Judith Anne Barnett Metz BM 1962
Phillip Dean Caddy BM 1962
Ann Watson Burns BM 1962
Mary Joanne Schulte BM 1962
Margaret J. Duffin BME 1962
Jane J. Wesley BME 1962
Larry V Eicher MM 1962
Frank Newman Speller III MM 1962
Daniel Norman Kidd BM 1963
Ronald Bolton Brown BME 1963
John M Clark BME 1963
Gwen A Comer BME 1963
Anita L Holmes BME 1963
Janet Marie Moore BME 1963
Rebecca Louise Pigott BME 1963
Robert William Burton MM 1963
Earline Moulder MM 1963
Paula Anne Fendler MM 1963
John H Morris MM 1963
Ida Louise Pruett MME 1963
William Dean Wilkins DM 1963
Robert F. Wolfersteig DM 1963
Kenneth Frank Seipp DME 1963
Ann W. Frohbeiter BM 1964
Emily L Hostetter BM 1964
Melody L Turner BM 1964
Stephanie C Wayland BM 1964
David L Foster MM 1964
Luke k Grubb MM 1964
Joan A Johnson MM 1964
Kim R Kasling MM 1964
Samuel Y Lam MM 1964
David J Lewis MM 1964
John G Loetterle MM 1964
William D Peters MM 1964
Rosalie Burnett MM 1964
Josephine C Howard MME 1964
Kirsten V Hicks BM 1965
Ruth W Hoffman BM 1965
Linda L Quinn BM 1965
Sandra L Hatfield BME 1965
Barbara A Lombardo BME 1965
Marilyn C Andersen MM 1965
Mary R Babbitt MM 1965
Emily L Borling MM 1965
Gene R Janssen MM 1965
Ann B Lilly MM 1965
Kent A Otto BM 1966
Thomas F Wood BM 1966
Irene Orr Ator BME 1966
Kirsten V Hicks BME 1966
Earl G Rivers Jr. BME 1966
John D Jeter DME 1966
Sandra C Balmer MM 1966
Carolyn A Leibling MM 1966
Gerald E Mummert MM 1966
George R Walter MM 1966
Norah B Courier BM 1967
Martha B Finger BM 1967
Martha R Clemm BM 1967
Eileen K Vandermark BM 1967
James F Winfield BM 1967
Garneta K Hess BME 1967
Linda L Quinn BME 1967
James F Winfield BME 1967
Jeanie R Castle MM 1967
Richard L Smith MM 1967
Vance A Yoder MM 1967
Ann Wade MM 1967
Jane J Wesley MME 1967
David N Feinen BM 1968
Edward D Gilmer BM 1968
Robert L Hinkle BM 1968
Mary F Lewis BM 1968
Christine P Streeter BM 1968
Roger T Nyquist DM 1968
William H Bates Jr. MM 1968
Judy E Bonham MM 1968
Nelda M Chapman MM 1968
Herndon Spillman MM 1968
James M Drake MM 1968
Richard L Dwyer MM 1968
S A Haritonoff MM 1968
Wilson C Luquire MM 1968
Rosalind E Mohnsen MM 1968
Judith K Scholz MM 1968
Thomas F Wood MM 1968
Michael W Brittenback BSOF 1969
Peter B Beardsley BM 1969
Merle W Epperson BM 1969
Lou A Smith BM 1969
Allen W Deyo MM 1969
Louise K Lee MM 1969
Barbara A Lombardo MM 1969
Raymond E Mabry MM 1969
Patricia A Anderson MM 1969
Adelaide H Miller MM 1969
John G Simpson MM 1969
Harry A Wells MM 1969
Marjorie A Egger BSOF 1970
Linda L Raney BSOF 1970
Dale L Caldwell BM 1970
Gertrude L Kaasbol BM 1970
Ken A Stoops BM 1970
Belinda L Wyss BM 1970
Barbara S Houser BSOF 1970
Peter B Beardsley MM 1970
Nora B Courier MM 1970
Linda Pointer MM 1970
Joseph W Henry MM 1970
Mary A Jahn MM 1970
David A Schack MM 1970
Patricia A Gallagher MME 1970
Janice K Kennedy BSOF 1971
Dennis A Kunze BSOF 1971
William F Entriken BM 1971
Kathryn A MacCourt BM 1971
Irene C Feddern MM 1971
Ken A Stoops MM 1971
Richard J Rhoads BM 1972
Karen L Schneider BM 1972
Dale L Caldwell MM 1972
Linda B Duckett MM 1972
John W Fast MM 1972
Anne Zander MME 1972
Mary C Beckman BM 1973
Jesse E Eschbach III BM 1973
Catherine M Grant BM 1973
Neil A Larson BM 1973
Richard A Lind BM 1973
Harold L McManus Jr. BM 1973
William A Wiant BM 1973
Julianne D Carney MM 1973
Larry D Crummer MM 1973
Katherine Carabella MM 1973
Janet E Alexander BM 1974
Nancy M Chase BM 1974
Margaret Y Chen BM 1974
Dennis M James BM 1974
Daniel A Junken BM 1974
Nathan D Sanders BM 1974
James S Godowns MM 1974
Janice K Kuhl MM 1974
Dodd A Lamberton MM 1974
Richard A Lind MM 1974
George H Ritchie DM 1974
Michael D Kleinman BM 1975
Vicki A Little BM 1975
Charles L Manning BM 1975
Daniel J McKinley BM 1975
Paul H Skebington BM 1975
Jacquelyn R Brown BME 1975
Magdaline J Engle BME 1975
Cynthia A Grassman BME 1975
Dale M Manning Thegeby BME 1975
Margaret Y Chen MM 1975
Jesse E Eschbach III MM 1975
Nancy J Ibberson MM 1975
Karen F Kronenberger MM 1975
Donald W Marler MM 1975
Mark D McNulty MM 1975
Bryan W Ness MM 1975
Linda L Raney MM 1975
Nathan D Sanders MM 1975
Denise E Schweizer MM 1975
Euel H Belcher Jr DM 1975
Joseph P Metzinger BSOF 1976
Jinx H Beaumont BM 1976
Edward P Bruenjes BM 1976
Randall K Hehr BM 1976
David R Heinze BM 1976
John A Kois BM 1976
Shirley A Ryan BM 1976
Thomas C Strickland BM 1976
Janet E Alexander MM 1976
George F Broske II MM 1976
Nancy M Chase MM 1976
Faythe R Freese MM 1976
Sheila Lau MM 1976
Catherine M Grant MM 1976
Ladislaw J Pfiefer MM 1976
David D Schrader MM 1976
Ann Belz MME 1976
Deborah DeHaan BSOF 1977
Brian M Aranowski BM 1977
Melissa J Daubenspeck BM 1977
Melodie F Gilbert BM 1977
Warren L Wells BM 1977
Louise G Wilson BM 1977
Elizabeth A Wilson BM 1977
Edward J Kaczuk MM 1977
Paul J Skevington MM 1977
Billy R Stevens MM 1977
George E Strickland MM 1977
Herndon Spillman DM 1977
Lawrence H DeWitt DM 1977
Virginia G Leiter BSOF 1978
Susan G Matteson BM 1978
Ruth A Witt BM 1978
Cynthia K Duchenois MM 1978
Barry F Gibble MM 1978
Heln K Greenhaw MM 1978
Paulette G Grundeen MM 1978
Edward F Hardin MM 1978
Michael D Kleinman MM 1978
Shirley A Ryan MM 1978
Louise G Wilson MM 1978
William H Bates JR. DM 1978
Sheila Lau DM 1978
John S Wells DM 1978
Jennifer E Kirkland BM 1979
John D Marsh BM 1979
Janet E Hamilton MM 1979
Dennis M James MM 1979
Harold L McManus MM 1979
Thomas F Yeiser BSOF 1980
Sharon A Downey BM 1980
Susan J Mills BM 1980
Cynthia K Bittner MM 1980
Nancy L Brock MM 1980
Edna M Dillard MM 1980
Polly A Purcell MM 1980
Lee A Scherman MM 1980
Donald L Smith MM 1980
Rhonda W Swanson MM 1980
David P Andrews BM 1981
Robert G Calcaterra Jr. BM 1981
Gregory D Chestnut BM 1981
Susan S Eltringham BM 1981
Janette S Fishell BM 1981
Karin B Gargone BM 1981
Anna M Leppert Largent BM 1981
Mark D Sweeney BM 1981
Lou C Fix MM 1981
Gregory G Largent MM 1981
Virginia G Leiter MM 1981
Luther T Lemley MM 1981
Mary C Milligan MM 1981
Jerry A Taylor MM 1981
Hoey-Ay Lin MM 1981
Rosanne Cioffe BSOF 1982
Heidi V Baker BM 1982
Mark E Hotsenpiller BM 1982
Carol A Naylor BM 1982
Tony E Norris BM 1982
Janette S Fishell MM 1982
Mark S Hunter MM 1982
David J Kinrade MM 1982
John W Matthews Jr. 1982
Mark D Sweeney MM 1982
Margeret Y Chen DM 1982
James F Mellichamp DM 1982
Wilbert J Noble DM 1982
Linda L Raney DM 1982
David K Lamb BM 1983
Aline K Otten BM 1983
Mark E Hotsenpiller MM 1983
Anna M Leppert-Largent MM 1983
Ruth A Witt MM 1983
Frederick J Dare BM 1984
Michael J Kessler BM 1984
David B Brown DM 1984
Stephanie A Jhnson MM 1984
Elizabeth C Keel MM 1984
Lisa G Lohmeier MM 1984
Larry D Crummer DM 1983
Linda B Duckett DM 1983
James S Dodowns DM 1983
Gayle V Sarber DM 1983
Jeffrey J Gaynor BM 1985
Brian J Rotz BM 1985
Michael D Farris MM 1985
Diane E Heath MM 1985
Eun J Lee MM 1985
Christopher J Lundell MM1985
Tony E Norris MM 1985
Timothy J Strand MM 1985
Brian T Swager MM 1985
Arthur O Bower DM 1985
Irene C Feddern DM 1985
Ted A Givvoney DM 1985
Candis M Lang BM 1986
Karen E Black MM 1986
Erin M Fairley MM 1986
Ann L Hansen MM 1986
Joan M Kirchner MM 1986
Carmel A Lapa MM 1986
Paul S Lee MM 1986
Aline K Otten MM 1986
John R Elkins BM 1987
Alfonso E Tenriero BM 1987
Paul J Monachino MM 1987
Wayne H Peterson MM 1987
Brian-Paul Thomas MM 1987
David D Schrader DM 1987
William Sullivan DM 1987
Dianne M Christensen BM 1988
Nila F Wood BM 1988
Erika R Coniglio BME 1988
Daniel J Marcacci BSOF 1988
Alan Lee Barlow MM 1988
Daniel J Pollack MM 1988
Jarrett Follette MM 1988
Edward L Cobb BM 1989
Carol A Burg BSOF 1989
Dorotea M Kerr MM 1989
John R Elkins MM 1989
Berkley J Guse MM 1989
Rodney C Loren MM 1989
Adrienne M Pavur MM 1989
Richard K Seaton MM 1989
Linda Pointer DM 1989
Paulette G Grundeen DM 1989
Kyle J Ritter BM 1990
Jennifer E Bean BSOF 1990
Timothy H Mann BSOF 1990
David W Bucknum MM 1990
James D Lueers MM 1990
Jacqueline L Strand MM 1990
Eric H Strand MM 1990
Dwight M Thomas MM 1990
James L Wright BM 1991
Alana R Acker MM
Robert E Frazier MM 1991
Brice C Gerlach MM 1991
Janet J Muth MM 1991
Faythe R Freese DM 1991
Janet E Hamilton DM 1991
Tina Bertram BM 1992
Thomas A Nichols BME 1992
Robert S Brewer MM 1992
Wayne A Dieterich MM 1992
Susan E Erickson MM 1992
David V Erickson MM 1992
Wendy L Markosky MM 1992
David C Ritter MM 1992
Carl M Angelo DM 1992
Christopher J Lundell DM 1992
Vicki J Schaeffer DM 1992
Patricia B Newton MM 1993
Kyle J Ritter MM 1993
John E Sittard MM 1993
Noel D Werner MM 1993
John G Simpson DM 1993
Zion Y Wu DM 1993
Joana C Gentry BM 1994
Stephen M Rogers BM 1994
M R Bunting BSOF 1994
Christopher L Coon Church Music Certification 1994
Aaron R Burmeister MM 1994
Douglas Ro Cleveland MM 1994
Jungjoo Park MM 1994
Julie P Grindle 1994
Keumsuk Choi MM 1994
Karen E Black DM 1994
Sharon R Follingstad DM 1994
Brian T Swager DM 1994
Mary E Harlan MM 1995
Colleen D Hicks MM 1995
Kristin M Lensch MM 1995
John R Repulski MM 1995
Tamaraa L Schmeige MM 1995
Tina Bertram MM 1995
Jiyoun Hyun MM 1995
Deborah K Bagwell MM 1996
Connie M George MM 1996
Yun K Kim MM 1996
Leonard C Langrick MM 1996
John D Schwandt MM 1996
Cynthia A Swartz MM 1996
Dawn Stevenson Waddell MM 1996
Lisa M Scrivani-Tidd DM 1996
Travis N Yeager BM 1997
Carla G Edwards DM 1997
John B George MM 1997
Kyle E Johnson MM 1997
Jean M Littlejohn MM 1997
Travis L Person MM 1997
Sara C Seidel MM 1997
Vance M Reese DM 1997
Brendan J McCord BM 1998
Toshiko E Shimazaki BM 1998
Kevin T Bailey MM 1998
Edith E Johnson MM 1998
Mark T Reed MM 1998
Kevin A Rose MM 1998
Brian P Harlow BM 1999
Andrew J Kotylo BM 1999
Cari B Burkett BME 1999
Leonard D Brown BSOF 1999
Melanie M Moll DM 1999
Steben T Betancourt MM 1999
J Gregg Bunn MM 1999
Gregory D Chestnut MM 1999
Melanie Martin Couch 1999
Rhonda Sider Edgington MM 1999
Patricia M Holland MM 1999
Heidi A Kohne MM 1999
Marko O Petricic MM 1999
Wendy L Markosky DM 1999
Christopher A Loemker BM 2000
Robert P Ridgel BM 2000
Susan B Scheitzelt BSOF 2000
David K Lamb DM 2000
Jonathan D Mollenkopf MM 2000
Thomas G Alm DM 2000
Brian K Bailey DM 2000
Suna Chung DM 2000
Janet K Boes MM 2001
Thomas J Fielding MM 2001
Sonja L Gustafson MM 2001
Elizabeth S Park MM 2001
Elizabeth K Waldon MM 2001
Viera Effler MM 2001
Eun J Kim PD 2001
Jonathan B Hall DM 2001
John D Schwandt DM 2001
Betty L Woodland DM 2001
Michael J Bennett BM 2002
Randall W Harlow BM 2002
Christopher B Jennings BM 2002
Mark E Edenfield MM 2002
Aaron M Goen MM 2002
Elizabeth G Hildebrand MM 2002
Gregory R Homza MM 2002
Sarah R Read MM 2002
Sarah L Williams MM 2002
Theophane S Windschitl MM 2002
Joohee Lee MM 2002
Zygmunt Wantzen Strzep PD 2002
Joey A Roberts BSOF 2003
Timothy A Denton MM 2003
Andrew J Kotylo MM 2003
Gianfranco De Luca MM 2003
Michael W Painter MM 2003
Jonathan M Stanley MM 2003
Alain C Truche MM 2003
William P Young III MM 2003
Hyun Ja Choi PD 2003
Aaron R Burmeister DM 2003
Elizabeth A Calhoun DM 2003
Edith E Johnson DM 2003
Vincent A Carr BM 2004
John M Reister BSOF 2004
David W Bucknum DM 2004
Michael J Bennett MM 2004
William D Coleman MM 2004
Kelly T Grooms MM 2004
Patrick E Pople MM 2004
Randall W Harlow PD 2004
Marko O Petricic DM 2004
Megan A Baumann BM 2005
Stephan C Firketic BM 2005
Donald R Meineke BM 2005
Jacob M Cope III MM 2005
Bradley A Fitch MM 2005
James W Guyer MM 2005
John W Markert MM 2005
Youngeun H Suh MM 2005
Michael McGhee DM 2005
Yun K Kim DM 2005
John T Lowe Jr DM 2005
Roger W Scott DM 2005
Mary Thomason Smith DM 2005
Jessica M French BM 2006
Stephanie D Price BM 2006
Christopher J Schroeder BM 2006
Margaret K Anderson MM 2006
Stephanie L Davis MM 2006
David L Sinden MM 2006
Joel C Sproat Jr. MM 2006
Derek L Stauff MM 2006
Margaret F Walsh MM 2006
Gianfranco De Luca DM 2006
Hillary J Doerries BM 2007
Robert L Helbinsky BM 2007
Mutsuhito Ogino BM 2007
Eric J Dombrowski MM 2007
Elaine S Sonnenberg MM 2007
Inwha Kim DM 2007
Adrienne T Bailey DM 2007
Thomas J Fielding DM 2007
Ronald R Preloger DM 2007
Benjamin P Straley BM 2008
Yoo Mi Chang MM 2008
Grace H Kang MM 2008
Juan A Mesa MM 2008
Nathan T Proctor MM 2008
Christopher J Schroeder MM 2008
David C Sims MM 2008
John T Coble DM 2008
Junjoo Park DM 2008
Gustavo D Andres MM 2009
Shannon L Gallier MM 2009
Judith J Ofcarcik MM 2009
Charles R Keen II MM 2009
Filippa M Duke Mangus MM 2009
Peter A Rogahn MM 2009
Mitchell A Rorick MM 2009
Yoo Mi Chang PD 2009
Mariko Morita DM 2009
Meekyeong Jeong DM 2009
Hyun J Park DM 2009
Frank J Van Atta BME 2010
Eun H Kim MM 2010
Brent J Stamey MM 2010
Gustavo D Andres PD 2010
Peter D Rogahn PD 2010
Andrew J Chislett DM 2010
Yoon Mi Lim DM 2010
Melissa M Plamann DM 2010
Mason C Copeland BM 2011
Catherine M Elliott BM 2011
Christopher T Lynch BM 2011
Hillary J Doerries MM 2011
Patrick J Kronner MM 2011
Mattilda Middleton MM 2011
Seung Min Oh DM 2011
Kevin W Neel BM 2012
Bernadette A Wagner BM 2012
Elizabeth J Bruce BME 2012
David N Bergin MM 2012
Sho Shirley Cheng MM 2012
Loralee C Culbert MM 2012
Erica M Gillette MM 2012
Stephen C Price MM 2012
Jonathan D Rudy MM 2012
Katie A Timm MM 2012
Katrika Putri MM 2012
Daniel C Corneliussen PD 2012
Yu-Hsiang Chen PD 2012
Minkyoo Shin DM 2012
Shin-Kyung Bang DM 2012
Monica A Harper DM 2012
Josef A Ciskanik BM 2013
Anna L Horner BM 2013
William F Bryant MM 2013
Jennifer G McNaee MM 2013
Juan J Park PD 2013
Julia Lehner PD 2013
Scott M Elsholz DM 2013
Carol J Nave DM 2013
Sunwoo Lee BSOF 2014
Katie A Alms MM 2014
Kyle W Black MM 2014
Joshua C Bullock MM 2014
Claire M Caruso MM 2014
Elizabeth F Clark MM 2014
Mason C Copeland MM 2014
Robert T Cruz MM 2014
Christopher T Lynch MM 2014
Adam M Powell MM 2014
Christopher R Prestia MM 2014
Kirk M Rich MM 2014
Robert E Stubbs Jr MM 2014
Jinhee Kim MM 2014
Elaine S Sonnenberg DM 2014
Sara M Stamey DM 2014
Ryan A Brunkhurst BM 2015
Michael J Gebhart BM 2015
Kathryn E Minion BM 2015
Scott D Scheetz BM 2015
Martha L Sliva BSOF 2015
David A Harrison MM 2015
John E Stender MM 2015
Jacob C Taylor MM 2015
Patrick E Pope DM 2015
Hanna K Powell DM 2015
Sunghee Kim DM 2015
John P Nothaft BM 2016
Nicholas E Quardokus BM 2016
Alexander S Baker BME 2016
Evan M Akers MM 2016
Lucas W Fletcher MM 2016
Matthew A Gerhardt MM 2016
Dalong Ding MM 2016
James W Guyer DM 2016
Mark A Herris DM 2016
Ryan A Brunkhurst MM 2017
Katherine S Burk MM 2017
Diana L Chou MM 2017
Yumiko Tatsuta PD 2017
Andrea L Boudra DM 2017
Patrick J Kronner DM 2017
Sarah R Read DM 2017
Woo-Sung Kang DM 2017
Carolyn A Craig BM 2018
Leah D Martin BM 2018
Jerome M Cole MM 2018
Brendan T Conner MM 2018
Kevin M Lyzak MM 2018
Nikolai S Peek MM 2018
Robert S Welch MM 2018
Travis D Whaley MM 2018
Yong Zhang MM 2018
Nara Lee MM 2018
Adam Gruber MM 2018
Dalong Ding PD 2018
Hansol Kim PD 2018
Kartika Putri DM 2018
Stephen Smith MM 2019
Jefimija Zlatanovic MM 2019
Madeline Varda MM 2019
Viera Effler DM 2019
Mattilda Middleton DM 2019
Stephen Price DM 2019
Jonathan Rudy DM 2019
Priscilla Gabriel-Weaver DM 2019
Mallory Helen Vashti Haney BM 2020
Collin Miller BM 2020
Varfolomei (“Bart”) Upart BSOF 2020
Geneva Stonecipher MM 2020
Elena Paradies DM 2020