Since 2018, IC3D Printing has sponsored & supported a 3D printed Toys for Tots program. They crowd source “elves” around the country to use their personal/work printers to create toys. The models have been created and donated by experts. 130,000 toys were donated in 2023. The goal for 2024 is 150,000.
I did some toys last year. I also participated this year, but had a partner, Linton Stockton JH/HS Fab Lab. Together we printed 42 manatees and 67 dolphins.
If you want to participate (it is a great projects for kids), pay attention to the IC3D website and social media early in the school year. They get organized before you think they would – but early is better for a project of this scope. Registration for being an elf closes September/early October (I think). It was earlier than I thought and luckily got in.
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