I got to work with some Kindergarteners to build a model of a playground that would be the center of their “community” learning. It was literally, the center of the map of their community. They talked about what was next to, nearby and around their community. They had to describe “where” the nearby things were on their map (above the playground, to the right). We also introduced the ideas of North, South, East, and West in the discussions.
They used toilet paper tubes, pipe cleaners, craft sticks, straws, coffee stirrers, play-dough, glue sticks, glue dots, and tape. They all had a variety of elements in their playground, like slide, swing, seesaw, zip lines, monkey bars.
We showed them 3D printing by printing an animal that they might find in their community. Each student chose from deer, squirrel and cat to place on their playground or their map. We printed it in the classroom so they could see how it happens. They will get to take it home when the project is done. I also laser cut some things (trees & animals) that I left for them to add when the parents see their work.

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