Community & School Partnerships (CSP) is a department at IU that does many things to extend IU’s reach into the world and to give the world more access to IU. One of which is tours for schools. A group of students gets an activity, sees a dorm and class building, and has lunch in a cafeteria. I was fortunate to provide the activity for 3 dozen students from the Emma Donnan Middle School in Indianapolis.
A CSP Student Ambassador read a short book about an IU professor that won a Nobel Prize in Economics, Elinor “Lin” Ostrom. Her worked took her all around the world to investigate what happens when natural resources are shared commonly.
“Lins Uncommon Life”
Students broke into 12 groups and had to design an invention that helps someone. They would utilize cardboard and craft materials to prototype it. They did a great job exploring new tools, like the 3 different cardboard cutters and a compass to draw circles. Lots of ideas flying, furious work occurring, lots of sharing & talking and asking questions. Unfortunately, because of the tight schedule, no one had enough time to complete their prototype. But before they went on their tour, each group explained what they were going for.

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