I just thought I would laser a ruler onto a 6″/15 cm craft stick…
I used https://cuttle.xyz/dashboard to do the design.
I made a box the size of the stick (1.8 cm x 15 cm)
I positioned it so the left corner is at the origin
I put a line/tick mark at 0.5 cm (& made it 0.6 tall)
I copied/pasted the tick mark and used my right arrow key to walk it over to x = 1.5 cm to be a 1 cm tick mark. I repeated that process for the remaining tick marks
Then I added a text box and picked a Single Line Font because I want to score the numbers NOT engrave them (engraving takes too much time and with wood, scoring comes out fine).
I also made the text a little smaller.
I copy/pasted the number, then walked it right with the arrow key
{after entering a number, you have to click somewhere on the work plane, off the text box, because the cursor is still in the text box…then you can select the number to copy & paste and move}
I made the box/frame one color and the tick marks and numbers another color so they would show up in the laser software as 2 different operations. I dont want to cut the box (I want to ignore it) because I am printing on a craft stick.
I exported the SVG, imported it into Glowforge, then set the speed at 350 and power at 40.
In my glowforge machine, i set a small piece of square acrylic against the front wall so I could put the crafts stick in the middle as well as have it lined up horizontal
a short video walkthrough
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