Last week was some pollinator work with students.
We were at Washington Community Schools Primary school for a few days working with 9 First grade teachers and 180 students. We discussed bugs and flowers and what they needed to survive. Many students knew lots of things, so usually we asked a question and someone shared the answer. Like what is the “I” word for bugs or “how do bugs help flowers” and “what do they need to live”…
Then we read a story about bugs, “Bugs don’t Hug” by Heather Montgomery and illustrations by Stephen Stone.
Since bugs need a habitat and we didnt have a place outside that was “ready” for us to create one, we assembled “bug houses” aka “bug boxes” that were laser cut (think triangular prism — and they knew that shape also). then we wen outside and put things that bugs would like in the box, like parts of flowers, grasses, twigs. For some reason, a few kids wanted to put rocks…it’s their box they can do what they want.
On Earth Day, we spent our afternoon at Unionville Elementary for their Earth Art Resources Technology Health event. We had some laser cutouts of butterflies and bees to color, some small (earring size) butterflies to give away, we made paper pots to start seeds, and we laser cut some personalized “bag tags/keychains”. We were partnering with the MCCSC STEM to Them Bus (borrowing their electricity). they were making paper seed bombs.
What a fun learning opportunity! Thanks for sharing BUGS DON’T HUG!