The Hoosiers Association of Science Teachers (HASTI) annual meeting was Feb12-14 in Indianapolis (#HASTI23). It was actually combined with ICTM (Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics). It was your traditional conference setup… lots of session choices available in each time slot (8-10) and a vendor hall. Having Mathematics and Science in the same place gave some an opportunity to explore the natural crossover (and some of us are already both). There was a good variety of topics for the sessions, not very much Maker, but some STEM & PBL & Design Thinking. There were 2 field trips available one day, the Cadaver Lab and the Zoo. There was a time slot on day 3 dedicated for “Unconference” session by grade bands and those rooms were full.
The Keynote/lunch on Day 2, Crystal Morton, kept getting interrupted with a malfunctioning fire alarm. Day 3 keynote and lunch had better luck, and we got to learn about whales.

There are a few things that I want to research more. The Imagination Lab in Plainfield schools sounds interesting. NASA resources( one of many sites ) are always good to revisit. Children’s Museum of Indy might have some resource ideas. NearSpace Education and NearSpace Launch ideas for launching sensors and gathering data is always exciting. I also need to add the NASA foam rocket to the rocket folder.

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