We asked our student ambassadors to recall their first impression of the Fairbanks School of Public Health when they were investigating which school to attend, and how that impression has changed or been reinforced over time.
Kate Colpetzer, Health Services Management student

What drew me to FSPH? Three words come to mind: innovation, community, and location. FSPH has been an amazing school to attend and this is consistently shown to me through engaged staff, dedicated students, and community-based opportunities!
Ameriah Jackson, Health Systems Management student
Today I am going to share my first impression of Fairbanks. I started at IUPUI in the School of Liberal Arts as a transfer student. I was very unsure of what career path I wanted to take at that time. I researched and became extremely interested in the HSM (Health Services Management) program.
When exploring the program online, I was impressed with the accelerated program, the class sizes, and the reputation of the school as a whole. I am extremely pleased with my choice and am proud to be a part of Indiana University Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health!
Lucy Khatib, Epidemiology student
As a student, what attracted me to public health at IUPUI was involvement in the Indianapolis community. While looking for colleges, I wanted to find a school that was dedicated to helping the surrounding area and students. I found the volunteering and outreach programs at Fairbanks to be exactly what I was looking for.
For instance, this past week Fairbanks lead a White River cleanup for students, alumni and staff. This was a great opportunity to help improve the environment in Indianapolis by reducing trash. I’m looking forward to more events like these which truly embody the message of public health.
Jaida Speth, Health Services Management student

“A good first impression can work wonders.”
I came into college undecided on my degree and the first impression I had from the Fairbanks School of Public Health was in my First Year Seminar course. Sarah Johnson gave a presentation about recent graduates from the Health Services Management (HSM) program and what they were doing with their degrees.
After listening to her presentation, I emailed my academic advisor to declare HSM as my undergraduate degree because of the first impression that she made on me. I felt like the opportunities within the school of public health were endless after that presentation and that feeling has only been affirmed throughout my FSPH career.
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