In this blog series, we’ll explore how Mosaic classrooms with configurable furniture can be arranged to support a variety of active learning activities. In this installment, we’ll take a look at different ways to configure GISB rooms 0005, 0007, 0009, 00011, 0013.
With seating for up to 24 students, the GISB’s wheeled tables and chairs can at first present an overwhelming number of configuration possibilities. Today we’ll share five options for arranging the classrooms and suggest a few ways to engage your students in small and large group work, as well as whole-class interaction.
Arrangement #1: Six Table Groups of Four

This configuration allows for six groups of four, which is ideal for small group work. The arrangement provides the student group with a large collaborative workspace and allows them to make eye-contact with their peers as they collaborate. Student groups also have access to white board walls for idea sharing and presentation.
Arrangement #2: Presentation with Sight-lines to Screens and White Boards

Lecture/Guest Speaker/Student Presentation Mode: Moving the desks into two groups of three rows facing one anther allows for an instructor or student presenter to engage the screen and whiteboards on both sides of the classroom. This configuration also makes it easier for students to see one another in a whole class discussion.
Arrangement #3: Presentation/Lecture/Video Conference Discussion (1)

Lecture/Presentation/remote speaker: Moving the desks into three row allows for all students to face the two screens for lecture, student presentations, or to view a remote guest speaker. If instructors use the video conferencing camera (or EagleEye Director in GA0013), this configuration allows for the remote speaker to easily see and engage with the class.
Interactive presentation: To engage students during a lecture or presentation, leverage Solstice to allow students to share content (images, videos, their screens) from their own devices.
Arrangement #4: Presentation/Lecture/Video Conference Discussion (2)

Lecture/Presentation/remote speaker: Moving the desks into two angled rows allows for all students to face the two screens for lecture, student presentations, or to view a remote guest speaker. If instructors use the video conferencing camera (or EagleEye Director in GA0013), this configuration allows for the remote speaker to easily see and engage with the class.
Interactive presentation: To engage students during a lecture or presentation, leverage Solstice to allow students to share content (images, videos, their screens) from their own devices.
The aisle in the middle created with this configuration allows for both students and instructors to easily move within the room.
Arrangement #5: Connected Group Tables – for a Smaller Enrolling Course

For a class that enrolls less than 24 students, unused tables and chairs can be pushed to the side to hold student belongings and create a less cluttered work area.
This arrangement is useful for classroom meetings when work will be focused at tables. The configuration also allows for easy movement around the tables and access to all whiteboard surfaces.
The configurations discussed here are just a few examples of what’s possible in GISB rooms 0005, 0007, 0009, 00011, 0013. If you’d like to share your own ideas, please add them in the comments below or contact us to write your own blog.
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