Staff at the Indiana Resource Center for Autism will be offering a two-day workshop in Indianapolis on September 18th and 19th on the fundamentals of Structured TEACCH®ing. Each of the presenters are TEACCH® certified and are staff at IRCA. The workshop will emphasize practical strategies demonstrated in video and photo examples, that attendees can begin… Read more »
Pivotal response treatment for autism spectrum disorders
“One of the most respected and widely used autism interventions, Pivotal Response Treatment, uses natural learning opportunities to modify key behaviors in children—leading to widespread positive effects on communication, behavior, and social skills. Now the pioneering experts behind PRT have created a comprehensive modern guide to this research-based approach, completely reworked and revised for today’s… Read more »
ABA Strategies for Schools Workshops
In September and November, the Indiana Resource Center for Autism and Purdue Autism Research Center will be sponsoring a workshop on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) strategies in a range of school settings. “Content is relevant for certified and non-certified staff, including general and special educators, paraprofessionals, school psychologists, social workers, early childhood providers, autism leaders,… Read more »
Mealtime and Children on the Autism Spectrum
Staff at the Indiana Resource Center for Autism have published an article related to eating and feeding children on the autism spectrum. The article offers information on why some children may exhibit poor eating/feeding skills and some strategies that may prove helpful. To read the entire article, please visit:
Interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and complex communication needs
“People who have both autism spectrum disorder and complex communication needs require specialized, multidisciplinary interventions and supports to boost their independence and quality of life. Find up-to-date, evidence-supported information and strategies in this book, the newest volume in the respected Augmentative and Alternative Communication Series. This essential resource brings together more than 30 internationally recognized… Read more »