Are you a current or soon-to-be library school student interested in a
career in library technology? Are you looking for ways to improve your tech
skills, but aren’t quite sure where to start?
The Jumpstart Program is a *free, immersive, weeklong experience* that
prepares first-year library school students for a career in library
technology upon graduation. The program was hosted virtually by North
Carolina State University Libraries for three consecutive years and has
graduated 28 alumni. The program will be offered for the first time in
person, August 4-8, 2025, hosted by the Triangle Research Libraries Network
(TRLN) at Duke University in Durham, NC. Travel and lodging will be
provided at no cost.
Program participants will…
– glimpse “a day in the life” of different types of technology positions
in libraries
– participate in technical workshops
– network with professionals at top institutions, including Duke
University, North Carolina Central University, North Carolina State
University, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
– be matched with a mentor for ongoing support
– build the foundation for developing elements of a technical portfolio
– learn how to find, apply for, and interview for technical positions in
*Guiding Principles*
The Library Technology Career Jumpstart Program seeks to:
– increase awareness of technology careers in libraries
– broaden perspectives and experiences in library technology careers
– impart strategies for learning technical skills
– provide concrete steps toward a career pathway in library technology
– create a supportive environment that facilitates collaborative peer
– foster a community of professional and interpersonal support
*How to Apply*
We are now inviting applications at Library Technology Career Jumpstart Program – Triangle Research Libraries Network *The
application deadline is March 31, 2025. *
We seek applicants who will contribute to the expansion of perspectives and
experiences in library technology careers. You don’t necessarily have to
have any technical expertise to be accepted to the program! We are looking
for highly motivated candidates with:
– a demonstrated interest in pursuing a career in library technology
– a commitment and willingness to learn technical skills
– a persistent and creative approach to solving problems
*Eligibility *
– Candidates must be enrolled or accepted to an ALA-accredited graduate
degree program in the U.S. or Canada.
– Ideally, candidates will be about to start or within the first year of
their program.
Accepted applicants will be contacted by phone in late April 2025. All
other applicants will be notified by email in early May 2025.
Contact McKenna Lakin at with any questions.