Welcome back! The first Academic Senate meeting of the year is September 16 at 10:00 am in DW 1001. Please join us for a Welcome Back continental breakfast starting at 9:15 in the Wiekamp lobby, courtesy of Academic Affairs.
We are delighted to see so many people back on campus. In moving towards our goal of a full return to campus, our plan is to hold all Senate meetings in person. Most regular business will be carried out through discussion and votes by the faculty present in the room. There will be a passive Zoom option for those who can’t attend but want to stay informed about Senate business. We want to be clear about what a passive option means:
- You will not be able to ask questions through the chat.
- We will not be adding the chat comments and questions to the minutes.
- You will not be able to vote on issues decided during the meeting. For important issues (elections, Constitution changes, etc.) we will still send out a ballot to all faculty.
- Joining Zoom will not count as attendance at the meeting. Please remember we need at least 50 voting members for a quorum to conduct business and join us in person if you can. (Did I mention there will be breakfast?)
The agenda for the September meeting can be found on the Senate blog. The Zoom link will be added to the Senate blog the day before the meeting.
See you on Friday!
Senate Executive Committee