All fall semester meetings start at 10:00 a.m. The September meeting will be held in DW 1001. There will be a passive Zoom option for faculty who want to listen to the meeting, but you will not be able to participate in the meeting. Click for more information about the passive Zoom option and the Zoom link (posted the day before the meeting).
Constitution and Committees:
Recent Senate Documents: LINK
Senate Archives:
- Call to order
- [3 min.] Approval of April 2022 Minutes FILE
- [5 minutes] Special Election: PTR Committee vacancy—Carolyn Schult, Academic Senate President
- [3 min] Executive Committee introductions – Carolyn Schult
- [4 min] New Faculty introductions—Carolyn Schult
- [3 min] Introductions of part-time voting faculty – Jason Resler, Academic Senate Vice President
- [5 min] Update on Standing Committee vacancies – Jason Resler
- Student Affairs (Library and Ed not represented)
- Curriculum (Ed and Arts are not represented)
- General Education (Ed is not represented)
- Non-tenure Track Committee—need more tenure track faculty
- Campus Directions Committee
- [5 min] SGA President Address – Christian Martinez, Student Government Association President
- [2 min] FACET update—Jamie Smith, FACET Coordinator
- [5 min] General Education/FYS report– Jennifer Muñiz and Henry Scott, General Education co-Directors; Betsy Lucal, Director of FYS
- [10 min] Academic Organizational Design Task Force update–Jason Resler & Doug McMillen, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
- [10 min] Updates from Academic Affairs
- HLC Assurance Report–Doug McMillen
- Enrollment report—Raman Adaikkalavan, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
- [10 min] Chancellor Elrod remarks—Regional engagement and budget overview
- [5 min] UFC report Shawn Nichols-Boyle, UFC rep
- [5 min] President’s Remarks – Carolyn Schult
- [5 min] Announcements
- Motion to Adjourn