In 2018, the Web and Applications team began working with the Center of Excellence for Women and Technology on a complex website redesign project. CEW&T has several custom website features and more content than most of the sites we’ve worked on, so the process took over a year and required a lot of hard work… Read more »
Entries by Clinton
WCMS Training Video Series
Since OVPUE IT began building websites in the WCMS, we have required a 2 hour in-person training for staff before they are granted access to their websites in the WCMS. The 2 hour training contained a lot of information and was difficult for staff to absorb, and the nature of WCMS work means that only… Read more »
HIEP 20th Anniversary Campaign
The Hutton International Experiences Program is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. OVPUE IT and HIEP partnered to create a series of photo essays to celebrate the history of HIEP. Photos are collected from HIEP recipients following their study abroad experience and submitted to Box through the HIEP website–these photos combined with quotes from students… Read more »
OVPUE IT, Communications, & BEST Help Forms
In the coming weeks, OVPUE IT, OVPUE Communications, and BEST will roll out updated help ticket forms.
OVPUE Website Modernization Project
With the completion of HPPLC’s new website and guidebook, OVPUE IT’s Web communications team has completed the four-year OVPUE Website Modernization project that began in 2015. All standard OVPUE websites are now more visually appealing, far more accessible, and consistent with IU’s brand and the IU Web Framework.
OVPUE Student Advisory Board Website
The OVPUE Student Advisory Board researches and presents on issues of undergraduate education to the leadership of OVPUE. Their research and suggestions have helped shape several OVPUE initiatives including iGPS, IU2U, and Intensive Freshman Seminars, to name just a few. The Student Advisory Board’s new website,, features their findings from each of the last 6… Read more »
Website Image Processor
When images are uploaded into the WCMS for use on a website, there are three steps that can be difficult to remember and technically complicated to complete: Finding the correct pixel dimensions for the framework feature Cropping and resizing the photo Compressing the photo to minimize its file size
HPPLC Website and Guidebook
OVPUE IT and the Health Professions & Prelaw staff have been working on a new architecture and updated content for the HPPLC website. The result is a new IU Framework site focused on the center itself and the services and events it offers, and a separate guidebook site containing advising content collected and refined over… Read more »
CDC Student Employment Website
Little-known fact: the Career Development Center, in addition to supporting first and second year UD students with career planning, also serves all undergraduate students as a resource for finding on-campus employment and part-time jobs. CDC staff and student interns have been working for several months in consultation with OVPUE IT to prepare a new website… Read more »
NSO Advising Tasks
For several years, University Division and OVPUE IT have collaborated on pre-registration of incoming students in English Composition courses using a system of scripts and Qualtrics surveys to determine which students still need English Composition, and which courses those students should take based on their test scores and interests. This year, exploratory students were added… Read more »