The Monroe County Fall Festival has an Education Day (morning into afternoon).
It is held at 100 S Park St, Ellettsville, IN 47429.
I did not get a chance to wander and see the other exhibitors, it was very busy – but I did see a firetruck.
We had several hundred kids stop by and explore some making.
Of course we had multiple things for them to do. Craft stick catapults to make and laser cut ones to launch. The ammunition (pieces of candy I dont like) quickly ran out (they didn’t pick them up). Battery and bulb of course.Pipe cleaners to build anything. Some laser cut fairies & gnomes to make a necklace. A 3D printer to watch. A new thing was a science lesson on sound… an exciter hooked up to a tiny amp (connected to computer for music). You can barely hear the exciter when it is right next to your ear, but if you put it on a piece of cardboard or plastic tote – now you have a speaker. Kids were amazed at the “no sound – yes sound” when you hold the exciter by itself then touch it to something
It is an excellent event for exhibitors and students.
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