On the morning of the total solar eclipse, I went to Eastern Greene Elementary to be a part of their PD morning. We talked about STEM & Maker Centered Learning. One thing that I had to learn for this was the 3D learning model/NGSS framework involving Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, Disciplinary Core Ideas. I focused on the idea of learning science means doing science and engineering Practices. This mixes well with STEM/Maker Centered Learning.
As usual, they get a bag of maker stuff (pipe cleaners, straws, craft sticks, beads, buttons, LED, battery…) and need to make something/anything. There is also cardboard and cardboard tools available, as well as extra materials if their bag has the wrong color. While they make, we discuss the ideas, then share what they made at the end. Some did not have enough time to finish, which is good for the discussion of what to do with students when that happens. We also get to discuss “process over product”. They were collaborative in their work, something that always happens with making (humans really want to help each other). They talked. They had fun. And learned while doing that…
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