I got to spend 3 days at South Central Jr/Sr High in Elizabeth, Indiana. I worked with a variety of teachers and students.
We started with makey-makey in the Environmental Science class where they were working on food webs. They picked one omnivore, carnivore, herbivore, producer, decomposer. They either made a model or drawing, then connected it to the makey makey and recorded some information to be spoken when touched
The next class was history where we talked about da vinci a little. They made a “whirlygig” and dropped them in the gym. Then they tried their hand at making a da vinci bridge out of craft sticks. This is really difficult because the sticks slide on each other. A couple of groups got a bridge, others seemed to be weaving a wall.
Then it was off to ICP where they had been studying motion so we talked a little about the concepts of speed, velocity, acceleration, forces. The students worked on making a rubberband powered vehicle to explore those concepts. two groups had a vehicle that moved by the end of the block. They were hoping to keep trying next time class met.
Everyone starts by gluing wheels on an axle then gluing that to some sticks…when they really need to start by building a chasis, then figuring out how to attach wheel/axle that spins.
Of course there were materials to bling it out.
WE finished the day in biology where they have been studying genetics. Their task was to choose 6 traits to give a Momma & Pappa monster, then choose how they represented in each (dominant vs recessive). Next was to talk about what traits would show in the offspring. They had to make or draw both parents an 3 offspring.
That evening we held a “Maker Night” for Elementary students. We had about 75 show up with at least one adult, often two adults (and some younger siblings)
They got to :
make their own string art (pounding nails & wrapping string)(1000 ran out fast).
build with coffee stirrers and pipe cleaners
build with PVC
design a backpack tag to laser cut
It was busy.
The next day we did some more genetics, asked Science Olympiad kids questions (and lent a hand), built more rubberband racers, then ended with Biotechnology class and talking about genetic modifications. Their task was to give a plant or animal two traits from another, with a reason. And make the model
Day 3 we spent time with 2 Algebra classes. They had been studying linear equations and just started “System of Equations”. The teacher had found a project that I tweaked a little. Students were creating a map of a city that they were planning. Some buildings were given, as well as a river and highway (equations). They had to add a street between two points, then more streets parallel & perpendicular. Then some more buildings and bridges. Some of this required them to solve a System of Equations to find locations. They also had to create equations for parallel and perpendicular roads. This was started in Desmos, then transferred to a large paper. Then as they went through successive steps, they could use Desmos to check things before adding to big map.
I forgot how long it would take for students to create their own grid on lard paper (which is why i used to buy a roll of grid paper)
The last block of the day was honors English. They are reading books (of their own choosing) and “highlighting” examples of “descriptive text” (like simile, alliteration, …). Today was their chance to pick a phrase and make a physical model of it
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