Monday it was back to Lakeview Elementary to help with history. They are studying the 13 colonies, so I found an SVG map of the colonies (very similar to the one in their book) and did a bunch of tweaking to make it into a puzzle. We cut one for each table and they are to add images of important items for each colony (not sure we will get to lasering these, they might need to print pics & glue on)
(original file )
Tuesday after school was at Child’s. Today was bridge & tower building with craft sticks & playdough. Though playdough is not the best material to stick things together. We also needed a better way to test strength, hanging books with yarn didnt work so well. But the wind and earthquake test for towers was great.
Wednesday was meetings & grant proposal research.
Thursday night was a STEM night at North Daviess Elementary. I was there to help STEM teacher Tabitha with craft stick catapults. We were swamped for 1.5 hours with kids building & testing catapults. I didnt get any pictures.
On Friday, I was back to Linton Stockton to work with 8 students on Lego building/coding.
And that wrapped up the 12 days of running hither & thither.
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