There are many ways to carve pumpkins in a #MakerSpace.
Saw this on a front office desk.
This wood is cedar and the face is (probably) cut with a saw.
If you have a CNC router you could use that.
The top comes off to turn light on/off.
(I tend to use fence pickets for building, less expensive)
I was thinking how to do this with a laser.
You would use thinner wood, like 1/8″ or 1/4″.
You could design the box in makercase if you want finger joints
It could be open or closed (thinking more the bottom)
Then I would take the svg into or tinkercad and carve the face.
But tinkercad resized the import….so you have to figure that out (what size are the parts, how big should the image be)
If you dont, the finger joints wont work
After carving, export an svg to cut
You need two more items.
1) a top rectangle that holds the stem
2) the stem
My box is 4″x2″, so I will make a rectangle smaller.
my wood is 1/8″ ,so I need a slot this size to hold the stem
Cut it on the laser and glue it all together (dont glue the top shut)
Get a tea light or string of fairy lights for it
(I need to order some fairy lights)
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