I was getting the other Prusa i3 MK3S+ going, and the build plate didn’t want anything to stick to it. I had cleaned it off with hot water then isopropyl. It sure is tough to “level the bed” if filament won’t stick. so I had to use hair spray. Now I needed something small to test print, so i just made a small “maker” keychain in
I exported the stl, then brought that into Prusa Slicer and finally exported gcode to the SD card.
I printed one, then another. Then I tried to print 6. They almost finished when one of them decided not to stick to the build plate, but it did stick to the nozzle. So this metal sheet has some issues….maybe the surface is worn out???
Then I decided to make something similar on the glowforge. I used cuttle.xyz
I want to “score” the “i am a” and engrave the “maker” (so we can talk about the difference). Someone recommended putting the different modes as different colors (the box and circle are both red-you can’t tell b/c the box is selected). I rounded the corners using “Modify”. I exported the svg then started a new design in the Glowforge app, uploading my file. They come in as separate pieces (I think because of color) and you have to set them to score or engrave and adjust your settings as needed.
The score did not come out as nice in the acrylic. It is hard to see. I might explore how to double it up (create an offset). The wood looks nice.
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