When I travel, I like to spend as much time as I can out and about. There is always so much to do and not enough time that I often find myself forgoing sleep to experience everything I possibly can. For the last several weeks I have been up late hanging out with friends and enjoying life socially, but also waking up at 4:30 am to watch the sun come up with two people who motivate me every day. At first waking up this early was challenging and proven difficult. Although, it only took a few days for this sleep pattern to feel natural on my body. For once in my life – I am not dreading getting out of bed, I am jumping out with excitement ready to start my day. The excitement just to live, to smile, to work hard, be around those that make me feel happy is exhilarating. I can’t believe a simple sunrise could change my life this much.
With countless sunrise pictures filling up my phone, I have been continuously motivated to achieve more every day. I want to wake up earlier, hike higher, run farther, and just overall spend each day becoming the best version of myself while creating positive environment for those around me. It is incredible how forming a small new habit, such as waking up early, positively influences all other aspects of my life. Creating this new habit for myself overall made the adjustment to being in Greece that much more of a comfortable experience.
Spending the time to focus on my overall well-being has been the most enlightening experience of my life. I used to be the kind of person that would laugh at the idea to wake up before the sun comes up, but it has humbled me overall as a person. Allowing myself this time in the morning to work out and enjoy the sunrise has improved the overall quality of my work and my motivation to do the work. I hope this new found passion can be carried over back home to Indianapolis – as it has created a whole new perspective for me. I think the message is to do something that terrifies you, is a little uncomfortable, and really pushes you – it may become your passion.
Greece has completely changed my life for the better.
-Autumn Eastom