By Kyleigh Hittle
Being in Greece has been a dream come true. I have seen and learned so much about a culture that is very different from mine. I have gained a newfound love for Greek Salad and taking walks further into town after a long day of video work. There’s so much beauty in the small things. Beautiful old doors, traditional architecture, and remnants of the past, carefully preserved as to not forget how far this island has come. It is beautiful here. It is peaceful here. And at night, it is lively here.

I have gained a sense of community, meeting and having great conversations with shop owners and restaurant staff. Coming back to see them every now and then and talking about the new developments in our stay here. Shopping at family-owned businesses and sparking up conversations with other guests as we sit peacefully and enjoy our meals. There is no rush. Here you sit and spend time with one another. There is no expectation to eat quickly and pay so that the next person can sit down and repeat the same process. Life is slower here, and there is always a place for you.

I am stuck in thought about how I will be changed when I make my journey back home. By the time we are on a plane headed back to Indiana, Bel and I will have been all across Europe. What will I learn? Who will I be? Will I be as enthralled with my surroundings as I have been here on Paros? Will my time here have prepared me for my future travels? These are questions I am not sure I have the answers to yet but what I do know is, because of Paros, I am changed for the better.