All fall semester meetings start at 10:00 a.m. in DW 1001. There will be a passive Zoom option for faculty who want to listen to the meeting, but you will not be able to participate in the meeting. Click for more information about the passive Zoom option and the Zoom link (posted the day before the meeting).
Constitution and Committees:
Recent Senate Documents: LINK
Senate Archives:
Academic Senate Agenda
Friday, October 28, 2022 10:00-11:30 DW 1001
- Call to order
- [3 min] Approval of September 2022 Minutes FILE
- [7 min] President’s Remarks—Carolyn Schult
- Capacity Model
- [3 min] Update on Standing Committee vacancies – Jason Resler, VP
- Faculty Board of Review (full-time faculty, three years experience, prefer B & E)
- Non Tenure Track Faculty Committee (tenure track)
- Policy Committee (full-time faculty, three years experience)
- [7 min] Proposal from Library Affairs Committee for allocation of materials budget—Caitlin Vlaeminck FILE
- [5 min] Proposal from General Education Committee to add FYE Director as ex officio member—Anna Savvopoulou FILE
- [10 min] Proposal from Academic Affairs Committee for adopting a common calendar among the regional campuses—Jamie Smith and Susan Moore FILES PPT FILE
- [15 min] Academic Organizational Design Task Force update–Jason Resler & Doug McMillen, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs FILE
- [10 min] Academic Master Plan update—Jill Pearon. EVC Academic Affairs FILE
- [10 min] CBAC update—Andy Williams, VC Administration and Finance FILE
- [5 min] CDC update strategic plan—Kyoko Takanashi FILE
- [5 min] Announcements
- Motion to Adjourn