All fall semester meetings start at 10:00 am in DW 1001. If faculty prefer to join virtually, there will be a Zoom option. The Zoom link, and guidelines for Zoom attendance can be found here.
Agenda and Blog :
Constitution and Committees: [LINK]
Recent Senate Documents : [LINK]
Senate Archives : [LINK]
1. Call to Order
2. [3 min.] Approval of September Minutes [LINK]
3. [25 min.] Strategic Plan – Susan Moore and Justin Amellio, Campus Directions Committee Co-Chairs [LINK]
4. [5 min.] University Faculty Council report from April 27, 2020 meeting – Shawn Nichols-Boyle and Scott Opasik, 2020-2021 UFC representatives [LINK]
5. Academic Affairs Committee – Jamie Smith and Denise Henderson, Co-Chairs
A) [10 min.] Late withdrawal policy fall 2021 [LINK]
B) [5 min.] GPA auto withdrawal [LINK]
6. [10 min.] Indiana College Core Certificate – Associate Vice Chancellor Doug McMillen [LINK]
7. [5 min.] Constitution updates – Steven Gerencser, Policy Committee Chair [LINK]
8. [10 min.] Chancellor’s Report – Chancellor Susan Elrod
9. [2 min.] President’s Remarks – Elaine Roth
10. [3 min.] Announcements
A) Jamie Smith – FACET inductees
11. Motion to adjourn