If you haven’t looked lately, you should check out the Research section on the Mosaic website. We have recently updated this area of the Mosaic website to keep up with the latest scholarship that Mosaic Fellows and Mosaic Staff continue to produce. Let me outline a few of the most significant additions:

On the publications page we list publications from Mosaic Fellows, Mosaic Staff, and other Indiana University faculty since the launch of the Initiative. In 2019 alone, Mosaic Fellows have produced several peer-reviewed publications on active learning and active learning classrooms.
Highlights from the Mosaic Fellows:
- The Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology recently published a special edition on learning spaces. Four Senior Mosaic Fellows (Andre Buchenot, Gina Gibau, Modupe Labode, and Tanya Perkins) shared their discipline-specific research on different ways that learning spaces influenced their teaching and their students’ learning experiences:
- Buchenot, A., & Roman, T. (2019). Reframing Writing Instruction in Physical Learning Environments: Making Connections Between Digital and Nondigital Technologies. Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology, 8(1), 87-98.
- Gibau, G., Kissel, F., & Labode, M. (2019). Starting with the Space: Integrating Learning Spaces and Technologies. Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology, 8(1), 17-32.
- Perkins, T. (2019). Strang(er) Places: Collaborative Creativity in Real and Virtual Spaces. Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology, 8(1), 99-107.
- The Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology recently published a special edition on learning spaces. Four Senior Mosaic Fellows (Andre Buchenot, Gina Gibau, Modupe Labode, and Tanya Perkins) shared their discipline-specific research on different ways that learning spaces influenced their teaching and their students’ learning experiences:
- Writing for Interactive Learning Environments, Audrey Ricke, Senior Mosaic Fellow, published an article on the potential for image-sharing projection software to support collaborative learning in large and medium sized classrooms.
- Ricke, A. (2019). Enhancing classroom interaction: The integration of image-sharing projection software in social science and humanities classrooms.Interactive Learning Environments, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2019.1652834
- Writing for Interactive Learning Environments, Audrey Ricke, Senior Mosaic Fellow, published an article on the potential for image-sharing projection software to support collaborative learning in large and medium sized classrooms.
Highlights of other IU faculty and staff publications on active learning classroom design and research:
- Birdwell, T., Uttamchandani, S. (2019). Learning to Teach in Space: Design Principles for Faculty Development in Active Learning Classrooms. Journal of Learning Spaces, 8(1), 1-27.
- Morrone, S. & Roman, T. (2019, May 1) Creating a Research-Based ALC Master Plan [Blog post]. Retrieved from // https://er.educause.edu/blogs/2019/5/creating-a-research-based-alc-master-plan
- Birdwell, T. (2019, July 5) Senior Mosaic Fellows and an Evolving Approach to Faculty Development [Blog post]. Retrieved from // https://er.educause.edu/blogs/2019/7/senior-mosaic-fellows-and-an-evolving-approach-to-faculty-development
Since the launch of the Mosaic Initiative in 2015, the presentations list has grown quite long. Explore our past and most recent presentations here.
Mosaic Research Grant winners:
Check out our Mosaic Research Grant winners, past and present. The Mosaic Research Grant supports faculty-led research projects related to IU classroom spaces.

Research Webinars:
In the fall of 2018, the Mosaic Initiative began hosting a webinar series showcasing faculty-led research on several of Indiana University’s active learning classrooms. Explore the webinar series page for our past and upcoming webinars.
The Mosaic Initiative continues to support, produce, and share research on active learning classrooms and active learning. Continue to check the Research section of our website for updates to varies projects related to active learning classrooms.
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