“If you’re the parent, teacher, or therapist of a young child with Down syndrome, you should know that Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), the evidence-based, gold-standard method for teaching children with autism, is an equally effective strategy for teaching children with Down syndrome! In Off to a Good Start: A Behaviorally Based Model for Teaching Children with Down Syndrome (a two-book set), the authors share the compelling research about the benefits of using ABA methods with children with Down syndrome, describe ABA principles and procedures, and provide the ABA-based curriculum they’ve used for nearly 20 years to successfully teach infants through kindergarteners with Down syndrome. With these books, readers will learn ABA practices for teaching children the all-important foundational skills for motor, social-communication, cognitive, and self-care development.
“Once readers understand the ABA principles outlined in Book 1, it’s time to implement the teaching strategies! Book 2: Teaching Programs shows readers how to teach hundreds of essential skills using proven discrete-trial methods with prompts and reinforcement rather than the more informal ways that people typically teach children with Down syndrome.” -publisher
Want to check it out? Email us at libiidc@indiana.edu or use worldcat.org to find it in a library near you.
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