Over the next two Saturdays — February 20 and 27, 2021 — the IU Graduate Theory and Musicology Associations will host (virtually) the Twenty-Seventh Annual Symposium of Research in Music. The event is free and open to the public.
Dr. Imani Mosley (University of Florida College of the Arts) will deliver the keynote on February 27, titled “‘They’re Gonna Do It Anyway’: Performing Black Male Death-as-Spectacle in the Music of Black Lives Matter,” in addition to leading a graduate student workshop on Saturday, February 20. Mosley is a musicologist, cultural historian, and digital humanist focusing on the works of Benjamin Britten, music, opera, and modernism in Britain post-1945. In addition to her work on Britten, she also specializes in contemporary opera, reception history, queer theory, masculinities studies, and race in 21st-century popular musics.
The symposium will also feature presentations by Jacobs School faculty, Prof. Frank Samarotto, “Energy, Inhalt, and the Inverting of Schekerian Hierarchy”; Prof. Jill Rogers, “Sound Science? Sonic Technologies, Medicine, and Power in France’s Long 19th Century”; and six guest student presenters from across the country.
Event is sponsored by the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, the Departments of Music Theory and Musicology, and the IU Student Association. Schedule and information are available on the symposium website. To request access to presentation materials and Zoom links, please contact jbussert@iu.edu.