Students may nominate their own projects. Alternatively, students’ projects may be nominated or encouraged by faculty members, associate instructors, and classmates. To be eligible for this year’s award, a project must have been submitted in fulfillment of course requirements for a music history class during the 2024 calendar year. You may revise the project before submitting it for the award (that is, it is not required that the version submitted be exactly what was turned in for a grade).
A student need not be currently enrolled as an IU undergraduate in order to be eligible to submit a project; for example, a student who submitted a project for M402 in Spring 2024 may have since graduated, but is still eligible to submit that project for consideration. Each student may submit only one project.
Each winner will receive a certificate and $250 award. Winners are typically recognized at the Jacobs School of Music commencement reception but, as with all things, the situation will be different this year. The IU Department of Musicology will also post an award announcement on its website.
Submissions must be received by TBD.
Complete the electronic submission form (not yet open). For papers, upload a clean PDF version (without comments from instructors or editorial marks), identified by title only (not by student name). For research projects delivered in podcast or lecture-recital formats, please submit the written script and final audio file with student names removed.
Submitted projects will be read and judged by a committee of faculty members in the Musicology Department. The committee will not consider submissions that arrive after the deadline or that fail to meet the submission guidelines. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the musicology department at musicol@iu.edu.

The Austin B. Caswell award was established in 1998 in honor of Prof. Caswell, a devoted teacher and member of the musicology faculty at Indiana University from 1966 until his retirement in 1996. The Caswell Award recognizes the two best undergraduate music history projects (such as research papers, podcasts, and lecture-recitals) submitted at the Jacobs School of Music each year.