Each academic year the composition department schedules at least eight general Student Composition Recitals; all composition majors are encouraged to program their works composed while enrolled at IU on these recitals, which usually comprise solo instrumental and vocal pieces, works for chamber ensembles, and compositions employing electronic media (electroacoustic, acousmatic, computer or electronic music, data-driven performance). Students also present their own recitals as part of each degree.
- Student Composition Recital submission form (intranet only)
- Recital Attendance & Grading Policy (intranet only)
- Degree Recitals (intranet only)
- Non-degree Student Recitals
Other Student Activity Links
Student Composition Recitals – Detailed Information
- All Student Composition Recitals are reserved for students registered for K400, K810, and K910. Please contact the coordinator with questions regarding a specific recital. A separate end-of-semester recital for K100 and K710 students is scheduled, usually in MAC036. Contact the coordinator for details.
- Recital attendance is required of all students registered for composition lessons (K100, K400, K710, K810, K910). Please read the complete attendance policies.
- Dress Rehearsals are scheduled for the stage of the hall in which the recital will take place. A sign-up sheet for dress rehearsal times will be sent to students involved via e-mail two weeks before the recital.
DATES, LOCATIONS, TIMES: | Online submission forms will be accepted by the coordinator only between these dates (submissions open up at 11pm on the listed starting date): |
Tue. Oct. 1, 2024
8:00pm AH (Auer Hall)
Dress Rehearsal:
Mon. Sept. 30, 2-4pm, Auer Hall
Mon. Sept. 9 – Mon. Sept. 16 |
Tue. Oct. 15, 2024
8:30pm RH (Recital Hall) Dress Rehearsal:
Mon. Oct. 14, 12:30-2:30pm, Recital Hall
Mon. Sept. 23 – Mon. Sept. 30 |
Wed. Nov. 6, 2024
8:00pm AH (Auer Hall) Dress Rehearsal:
Tue. Nov. 5, 4:30-6:30pm, Auer Hall
Tue. Oct. 15 – Tue. Oct. 22 |
Tue. Dec. 3, 2024
8:00pm AH (Auer Hall) Dress Rehearsal:
Mon. Dec. 2, 10pm-midnight, Auer Hall
Mon. Nov. 11 – Mon. Nov. 18 |
Mon. Feb. 3, 2025
8:00pm AH (Auer Hall) Dress Rehearsal:
Sun. Feb. 2, 9-11am, Auer Hall
Sun. Jan. 12 – Sun. Jan. 19 |
Thur. Feb. 20, 2025
8:30pm RH (Recital Hall) Dress Rehearsal:
Tue. Feb. 18, 12:30-2:30pm, Recital Hall
Wed. Jan. 29 – Wed. Feb. 5*extended to Wed. Feb. 10 |
Tue. Mar. 4, 2025
8:00pm AH (Auer Hall) Dress Rehearsal:
Mon. Mar. 3, 2-4pm Auer Hall
Mon. Feb. 10 – Mon. Feb. 17 |
Tue. Apr. 1, 2025
8:30pm RH (Recital Hall) Dress Rehearsal:
Sun. Mar. 31, 12:30-2:30pm, Recital Hall
Mon. Mar. 10 – Mon. Mar. 17 |
Tue. Apr. 22, 2025
8:00pm AH (Auer Hall) Dress Rehearsal:
Sun. Apr. 20, 9am-12pm, Auer Hall
Mon. Mar. 31 – Mon. Apr. 7 |
To help ensure that a broad spectrum of composition majors, minors and outside area students are represented on Student Composition Recitals, these policies have been established:
- The SCR submission window operates on a first-come, first-served basis. If the threshold is met at the end of the 24-hour period, and there are more pieces than can be accommodated on the recital, the department will step in to determine a fair distribution of pieces based on the recital policies.
- Since the time allotted for the Student Composition Recitals is limited, there are often more submissions than can be programmed. In such cases, preference will be given to those composers who have not already had two works performed on Student Composition Recitals in that semester. Preference will also be given to composers who will have had less than 30 minutes of music performed on Student Composition Recitals during that academic year. Note: performances in the departmental collaborations and other special programs do not count toward the 30 minutes or four works per year for the Student Composition Recitals.
- Submissions that list performers will be prioritized over TBA on the form.
- The maximum time limit for an individual piece on departmental recitals is fifteen minutes in actual human performance time including time between any movements.
- Outside Area and DM Minor students are limited to one work per semester.
- Student Composition Recital submissions must have complete information to hold a place on the recital (performers, titles, etc.).
- Exemptions by petition to any of these policies will be considered by the composition faculty on a case-by-case basis.
To program a work on a Student Composition Recital, the following must be completed:
1) The form (intranet), Information for Student Composition Recital Programs. Places on each recital are reserved first-come, first-served; only online information forms will be accepted (no paper forms), and only-between the pairs of dates listed above for each recital.
2) Special Piano Needs. If your work uses piano and calls for any technique other than normal playing on the keys, such as removing the lid or doing ANYTHING inside the piano, please indicate it in the submission form for the coordinator to contact the Piano Shop (pnoshop@iu.edu).
3) Audio Support and Sound Reinforcement. If a work requires sound playback or sound reinforcement (microphones, etc.), please indicate it in the submission form for the coordinator to contact the Audio Production team (audiopro@iu.edu). Works prepared using the facilities of the Center for Electronic and Computer Music must have the prior approval of Prof. John Gibson or Prof. Chi Wang.
Audio support for departmental recitals is provided by the Department of Audio Engineering (DAE) free of charge. At this time the DAE only supports audio playback and sound reinforcement in Auer Hall and Ford Hall. Provide details of work to be performed, equipment needs, recital, and dress rehearsal date, time, and venue. Requests submitted less than four weeks in advance will be fulfilled at the department’s discretion. Please note that submitting an audio support request does not necessarily guarantee a spot on a recital.