IU Composers are encouraged to submit work(s) for the Orchestra Readings. Masters theses are given precedence, though short works are welcome if time allows. Any selected master thesis will receive one full hour of reading time. Other pieces will receive 20 to 40 minutes of reading time, depending on the length of the piece (not more than 7 or 8 minutes, if possible), difficulty, and time slot availability. Please contact Prof. Travers (aatraver@indiana.edu) for any inquiries.
Fall 2024 (updated 10/9/2024)
Readings take place December 2, 3, and 5 (4:25pm-6:40pm).
The due dates for the score and parts are as follows:
Wednesday, 10/30 by 4pm, Scores due;
Wednesday, 11/13 by 4pm, Parts due.
Be sure to check out the Notation Style Guide, especially those items dealing with Music Size and Parts.
The Orchestra Readings fall on the penultimate week of each semester. During that week, they are held Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 4:05pm to 6:35pm, location TBA.
The deadline for scores usually comes in late October.
The deadline for parts usually comes 2 weeks after the score deadline.
NB: Since the deadlines will change from year to year, the exact dates and times will be announced each semester by Prof. Travers via email.
Composers interested in having their pieces read should submit scores to Prof. Travers via email. If selected, printed and bound scores can be submitted to Prof. Travers in person at his office (JS 433), or directly to the Performing Ensembles Division (PED) office by the specified deadline. Be sure to include your contact info(email address) with your score.
Selected composers must provide parts (one for each individual wind, harp, and percussion player, and specified number of copies for strings by desk), directly to PED by the specified deadline.
Participating composers are responsible for providing any instrumentalists exceeding the above instrumentation.
Since exact string numbers change from year to year, please check with either Prof. Travers or the PED Office for string numbers by desk.
SCORES: Legible, transposed or non-transposed PROOFREAD full scores are accepted. Scores must be double-sided, with information on instrumentation (including all percussion instruments), duration and performance notes. No single-sided score(s) will be accepted. Scores must be bound with spiral binds ONLY—no comb binds. Loose binding will help to turn pages easily. Full score size in 8.5 X 11 format is not allowed (too small to read). Be sure to include rehearsal letters or numbers, which generally occur every 7 to 10 bars.
PARTS: Page size for parts must not be smaller than 8.5 x 11 or larger than 11 x 14 (both in portrait format). The Major Orchestra Librarian Association (MOLA) officially recommends 10 X 13 for parts. Parts must be bound when requiring a multi-page setting. Tape binding (usually paper tape or cloth tape) with or without staples is the only acceptable format (no spiral binds or comb binds). Parts require reasonable rest(s) for page turns. Parts must include related necessary elements such as measure numbers (large enough to read), rehearsal letters or numbers, cue(s) after long rests (usually 10 bars or more), etc. Each page must have around 8 systems, which allows space for noting rehearsal comments and easy reading. If you must leave blank space or a blank page to facilitate a page turn, please indicate on that page:
Do not use shared parts among wind instruments. Percussion parts, however, are generally written in “shared” format (all percussion parts on the same page) as per MOLA guidelines. Parts must be delivered in score order (fl, ob, cl, etc.).