The trombone music of Dr. David P. Jones (DM 1995) is featured exclusively on “Bone Moan”, a CD (Summit) released in December 2013. The recording features Mark Hetzler (Faculty, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison), the Pro Arte String Quartet and several professional and student trombonists and percussionists from Wisconsin and Florida and includes most of the trombone centered works of Dr. Jones composed between 1986-2007. Three more CD’s to be released in the next six months will also include his music. PercuDuo (Paris) has recorded “Gamelocity” (2012) for vibraphone and marimba for the French Polymnie label. Michael Tunnell (Trumpet, Louisville Orchestra) and Meme Tunnell have recorded “OrNoPeia” (commissioned in 2010) for corno di caccia and piano for release on the Centaur label. “Family Dances”, a work completed in 2014 (for clarinet, bassoon, violin and cello) will be recorded this fall by a faculty ensemble from Eastern Washington University. Dr. Jones continues to teach jazz, history of rock music, improvisation and music appreciation at Peninsula College (WA).
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