Jess Turner’s Black Bolt! for wind ensemble was premiered by the University of Georgia Wind Ensemble at the American Bandmasters Association convention in Tampa, FL on Mar. 8. The same piece is on the program for the UGA Wind Ensemble’s tour of Europe in summer of 2013. Also the North Texas Wind Ensemble recorded her 2010 work, Rumpelstilzchen on their most recent recording, “Audibles,” which is available from the GIA WindWorks series.
The same piece, recorded by the Hartt School Wind Ensemble is also scheduled for release on a forthcoming Naxos cd. My 2012 work, Heavy Weather, for tuba solo and wind ensemble is to be premiered by the Hartt School Wind Ensemble in May, with Scott Mendoker, tuba solo. In addition, I was the winner of the 2013 Merrill Jones Young Band Composition Contest for my 2012 piece for young wind band, The Exultant Heart.