Sept. 4 (Dr. Nam): The Cutting Edge: A Sampling of Wind Band/Ensemble Music in the 21st Century.
Sept. 11 (Dr. Dorsey): Negotiating the World of Professional Music
Panel members: Brian Rood, Roger Roe, Donna Parkes.
Sept. 18 (Dr. Nam) Composers David Biedenbender and Jennifer Jolley discuss careers in composition and/or higher education, representation in the composition and performance fields, and thoughts on the wind band medium.
Sept. 25 (Dr. Smedley) Thinking Like a Conductor: How to Get the Most Out of Ensemble Rehearsals.
Oct. 2: (Dr. Dorsey) Los Angeles-based conductor and bassoonist Anthony Parnther discussed his diverse career in Los Angeles, telling stories and sharing his experiences in the recording industry as performer and conductor and orchestra music director.
Oct. 9 (Dr. Smedley) The Art of Interpretation: What Pablo Casals’ Wisdom Can Teach Us About Bringing Music to Life.
Oct. 16 (Dr. Nam) Forging a Performance Career: Creating and Maintaining a Professional Chamber Ensemble. The Kenari Quartet are all IU alums: Steven Banks, Kyle Baldwin, Bob Eason, and Cori Dundee.
Oct. 23 (Dr. Dorsey) Military Band Careers: Master Gunnery Sergeant Peter Wilson (Violin, “The President’s Own” US Marine Band), Master Gunnery Sergeant Susan Rider (Trumpet, “The President’s Own” US Marine Band), and Bob Thurston (arranger for DC Air Force Band)
Oct. 30 (Dr. Smedley) Solving the Intonation Puzzle: What You Can Do In and Out of Rehearsal To Align With Your Colleagues. Webinar recording:
Nov. 6 (Dr. Dorsey) Dr. Richard A. White, Associate Professor of Tuna, University of New Mexico and Principal Tuba, New Mexico Philharmonic.
Dr. Richard White is the subject of an inspirational documentary (R.A.W. Tuba: From Sandtown to Symphony) that recounts his journey from intermittent homelessness to world-class symphony musician and professor. Webinar recording:
Nov. 13 (Dr. Smedley) Getting the Best of Both Worlds: The Marriage of Popular and Classical Music. Webinar recording:
Nov. 20 (Dr. Nam) session with “And We Were Heard,” a group that connects underrepresented composers with conductor-educators as well as performers to foster equitable programming practices through collaborative recording and digital dissemination. Panelists will be Dr. Kaitlin Bove (Pierce College), Dr. Mary Kate McNally (Ohio Wesleyan), Dr. Tonya Mitchell-Spradlin (Penn State University), Dr. Kira Omelchenko (Wilfred Laurier University). Webinar recording:
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