Check out the beautiful book created by our student Karaline B. (Hi, Karaline!) as her final project in English 9.1. Once Upon a Thyme We’re so proud that this gorgeous book grew out of the hard work of one of our very own students. Karaline, thanks for sharing the contents of your brain with us!… Read more »
Entries by Ms. Gaylord
Screenside Chat: Holding and Directing Student Attention in Online Learning
In this Screenside Chat, IU High School English teacher, Courtney Gaylord, discusses why students have difficulty attending to content in online courses and shares her strategies for overcoming these obstacles.
Screenside Chat: Breaking a Lesson into Bite-Sized Pieces
In this Screenside Chat, IU High School English teacher, Courtney Gaylord, explains why students don’t always read lesson instructions and how to change that!
Screenside Chat: Action Items for Encouraging Student Engagement with Content
In this Screenside Chat, IU High School English teacher, Courtney Gaylord, shares how and why she creates “action items” on course content to help students engage meaningfully with the information they are studying.
Work worth sharing: My Blueberry Summer, by Everlyn
Check out this lovely, quirky little children’s book produced by IUHS student, Everlyn. As her final project for first semester of English 9, Everlyn wrote this charming tale of 3 kids, 2 dads, 1 car trip, 1 zillion blueberries, and 1 family compromise. I love this book because it’s a great example of what happens… Read more »
The Definite Article: Vocabulary App
Lexical and linguistic tips, tools, and tricks from resident grammar geek and lifelong word nerd, Ms. Gaylord The most recent unabridged Webster’s Dictionary weighs more than ten pounds–and that’s with microscopic font and tissue-paper pages! Good luck keeping that behemoth in your back pocket. But who needs it? Harness the power of your smartphone to… Read more »