It is time to begin thinking about filling out college applications. If you plan to graduate by June of 2025 and currently need twelve or fewer credits to complete your diploma requirements, IUHS considers you to be a senior. If you are planning to go with a school’s Early Decision/Early Action, you will need to… Read more »
Tips, Tools, Tidbits
Solar Eclipse in Bloomington!
A total solar eclipse will occur across much of North America on April 8, including in the “home town” of IU High School, Bloomington Indiana. This is a rare, not-to-be-missed opportunity to view the sun in a way you’ve likely never seen before. We urge anyone with the chance to see it to make every… Read more »
🎓 SENIORS: Please read for important Common Application info!
Information For IUHS Diploma Students Doing the Common Application What is the Common App? Common App is a non-profit college access organization that helps students apply to college every year. Common App’s free college application tool is designed to make applying to college faster and easier. With Common App you only need to use one… Read more »
Student Perspective: Mind over Matter
By Benita Ntihinyurwa, current IUHS Online student: Mind over matter. You can be so powerful. I realized throughout my time in online school I really thought quantity over quality was the way to it. I was trying to plan out doing my assignments and finishing them in one day every day including weekends because I thought… Read more »
Virtual College Fair!
Indiana University is holding its first Virtual College Fair this Thursday, February 25, 2021 from 4:30-7:00p EST! Register here to explore what IU has to offer across its campuses!
A Word: Enigma, a Puzzle Collection, and the NYT Crossword

An enigma is a puzzle, a riddle, a mystery. You may not know that Indiana University has a puzzle collection  in the Lilly Library. This collection was donated by The New York Times​ crossword puzzle master and IU graduate in Enigmatology, Will Shortz. He is also the puzzle editor for NPR’s Weekly Edition.
The Definite Article: Vocabulary App
Lexical and linguistic tips, tools, and tricks from resident grammar geek and lifelong word nerd, Ms. Gaylord The most recent unabridged Webster’s Dictionary weighs more than ten pounds–and that’s with microscopic font and tissue-paper pages! Good luck keeping that behemoth in your back pocket. But who needs it? Harness the power of your smartphone to… Read more »
Far Out Facts: The Moon
The Moon that you have often seen as seemingly motionless in the sky is actually hurtling around the Earth at more than four times the speed of a jet plane. Only its great distance, fifty Earth-diameters away, makes it seem stationary. At this speed, it takes the Moon almost 30 days to complete one orbit… Read more »