If you haven’t already registered, please do so ASAP. If you are not sure what course to take, reach out to your advisor. This week the departments will review courses that have waitlists and also those with low enrollment. Please enroll soon to ensure your spot in the classes you want! Please let Angie Harmon… Read more »
Ways to find INFO-I798 Section 39723…
Our Career Advising & Engaging course can be found by two ways: Visiting the Registrar’s website. Searching one.iu.edu in iGPS If you are having problems finding a course, feel free to reach out to your advisor or Angie Harmon avincibo@iu.edu.
The executive board of the Mid-America Association of Law Libraries (MAALL) just approved a $500 travel grant for library school students interested in law librarianship to attend MAALL’s Annual Meeting, held this year in Indianapolis from September 23-25. Library Student Grant Designed to recognize a member in the early stages of his/her/their library education… Read more »
Exciting INFO-I798 Section 39723 Career Advising & Engaging non-credit hour course offered again this Fall 2021! No matter where you are in the DLIS program you can take this course and learn about career development for the LIS Field.
DLIS is excited to offer a non-credit hour course on career advising and engaging with the LIS profession this fall 2021. Whether you are coming to LIS from another field or if this is your first career, our newly developed curriculum can benefit you. New, mid-program, and final semester students are invited to join this course, as the instructor… Read more »
Hurry! We still have space open in LIS S685 Section 46481 available for this Fall 2021!!
COURSE DESCRIPTION Addresses the major issues and challenges facing the archival/records management professions in their quest to manage electronic records. Students will study and evaluate the impact automation has had on archival theory and practice, analyzing various models and strategies archivists have developed to manage electronic records. EXTENDED COURSE DESCRIPTION General examination of the document… Read more »