Data curation is an emergent area of the information profession, as workforce demand grows across domains and sectors. You may see many job titles such as “data librarian,” “data management librarian,” “data services librarian,” and “social science (or health, engineering, etc.) data librarian.” The growing numbers of these jobs demonstrate the market’s growing demands. It is no longer just academic libraries that need to support researchers’ data needs; public libraries now also seek for such new hires to meet the public’s open data needs. (BTW, I just got back from a conference called Research Data Access & Preservation Summit, at which data managers and curators, librarians who work with research data, and researchers and data scientists annually meet, and we talked quite a bit about the need to educate LIS students with skillsets and knowledge in this area!)
This new elective course will introduce the concepts of data curation and management with applications. Data curation is an active and ongoing management of data through its lifecycle and adds value to the data in a such way as to be useful to scholarship, science, education, and any other relevant stakeholders (e.g., business, industry). Students will explore the characteristics of data and data curation lifecycle activities, such as the design of data through content–creator management, metadata creation, entry into a database system or a repository, access policies and implementation, and data reuse.
This course is recommended for advanced students who are later in their programs. S503 is required as a prerequisite to this course. Please contact Dr. Ayoung Yoon (instructor) for any question at
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