For more information and to apply, click here.
Scholarships provide increased opportunities for members of the academic and research library community to expand their professional horizons, update their skills and knowledge, and stay current on recent developments and challenges in the profession. As part of its commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, ACRL invites you to give to the ACRL Friends Fund to help directly impact these efforts.
Are you an ALA Spectrum Scholar? Please see the Spectrum Scholar Travel Grant page.
Scholarships are funded by a combination of generous contributions from ACRL donors and budgeted funds. Scholarships include a waiver of the conference registration fee (a $259– $549 value depending on registration type) plus a travel stipend (typically $600, occasionally less if travel expenses are lower due to applicant’s location).
Scholarships are available in the following categories:
● Early-career librarians = less than six years of post-MLS professional experience in a librarian role (excluding work study or student work) since receiving your MLS (or Masters/PhD/equivalent)
● Mid-career librarians = more than six and less than fifteen years of post-MLS professional experience in a librarian role (excluding work study or student work) since receiving your MLS (or Masters/PhD/equivalent)
● Career librarian = more than fifteen years of post-MLS professional experience in a librarian role
● Library school students and recent graduates (current students or less than 2 years since graduation and seeking employment in a librarian role)
● Library professional and support staff (positions that do not require an MLS or Masters/PhD/equivalent)
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