While libraries have offered electronic resources for many years, in this new landscape of social distancing, electronic resources are quickly becoming indispensable to libraries and their patrons. In this pandemic, many libraries have had to close their doors for months at a time. Electronic resources like Overdrive, Hoopla, and other databases are now crucial services for libraries to provide. So that leaves librarians and future librarians to brave the technological world to learn how to become good stewards of those essential resources. In Advanced Resource Management, we will look at the practices and techniques used by librarians and library staff to track the selection, acquisition, licensing, access, maintenance, usage, evaluation, retention, and de-selection of a library’s electronic information resources in public, academic, and educational library settings.
Learning Outcomes
- Analyze and dissect each stage of the life cycle of e-resources.
- Compare technology standards and how they support electronic resource management.
- Analyze the evolving relationships among publishers, vendors, and libraries.
- Critically examine laws and policies that impact electronic resource management.
- Practice selection, licensing, and evaluation of electronic resources.
- Prepare and present original content to the class, and actively interact with classmates.
- Analyze a current issue or event in electronic resources management.
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