Electronic resources have long been a part of the library landscape but never before have they been as crucial as this past year. With more and more students, patrons, and end-users being forced to use library services outside the library, electronic resources have soared into the spotlight as a crucial library service. In S632- Advanced Resource Management, we will look at how to investigate, implement, and analyze electronic resources. This course offers a look at licensing contracts and authentication methods to allow students to get a feel for how to manage these resources in public, academic, and educational library settings.
Learning Outcomes
Analyze and dissect each stage of the life cycle of e-resources.
Compare technology standards and how they support electronic resource management.
Analyze the evolving relationships among publishers, vendors, and libraries.
Critically examine laws and policies that impact electronic resource management.
Practice selection, licensing, and evaluation of electronic resources.
Prepare and present original content to the class, and actively interact with classmates.
Analyze a current issue or event in electronic resources management.
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