Dr. Angela Murillo has been awarded a two-year SEIRI Seed Grant for her proposal titled “Examining Perceived Ease of Use and Usefulness of Adaptive Technologies and the Quality Matters Rubric for Online Courses”. The SEIRI seed grant program supports STEM education innovation and research and provides funding for faculty members to develop, implement, and evaluate the impact of pedagogical innovations for IUPUI STEM courses (https://seiri.iupui.edu/fundingopportunities/seiriseedgrants.html).
For more details regarding the project, please see the below abstract:
Educational tools such as Adaptive Technologies and Quality Matters Rubric standards have been created to mitigate the technological challenges for students taking online courses and to improve the overall quality of online courses, as well as the effectiveness of student learning. However, online education is still undergoing transitions as these new teaching tools and techniques are increasingly utilized throughout online courses, and students are learning to interact with these new techniques. The purpose of this study is to test the usefulness of Adaptive Technologies and Quality Matters Rubric standards from the theoretical perspective of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). TAM provides a useful set of factors to consider, notably perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease-of-use (PEOU). This project will implement Adaptive Technologies and Quality Matters Rubric standards into an existing online course, Foundations of Data Studies (S201) which is a required course for all students in the undergraduate Applied Data and Information Science Program and is taught every semester. Effectiveness of Adaptive Technologies and Quality Matters Rubrics Standards will be measured through TAM-based surveys and focus groups, and summative and formative assessments will measure students learning to evaluate any changes in student learning when implementing Adaptive Technologies and Quality Matters Rubric Standards. The outcome of this project will provide feedback not only to other courses in the Applied Data and Information Science program but also to the greater community of online and distance educators and STEM educators.
Congratulations, Dr, Murillo!
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