Think you already know everything about IUPUI’s most popular Regatta event!? Think again! Learn about the contests you can join-umm can you say doggie costume contest?! Sign me up! Find out who of our very own DLIS faculty, students and alumni are participating this year and how you can support them! You wont want to miss this fun filled event…
8th Annual IUPUI Regatta
Time: 10a.m. – 5p.m.
Location: Downtown Canal-11th Street
Sponsor: Herff Jones, IU Alumni Association & IUPUI
Let’s start with the basics, Regatta is an annual canoe race that takes place this Saturday September 24, 2016 in the downtown Indianapolis Canal off 11th street. The canal is easily accessible with gorgeous city views and ample grassy space for spectators-might I suggest a picnic basket?! Thousands of IUPUI students, staff, faculty and alumni turn out to come together for this exhilarating event, don’t miss the chance to cheer on your department, make new friends and even walk away with some swag!
For a complete schedule of events please visit IUPUI Regatta Schedule. The School of Informatics and the DLIS department will be up first to start the Regatta at approximately 10:15am, for a complete list of all the teams click here.
Additional Contest Information:
The Dog Costume Contest: bring your furry friend dressed in a festive costume from 10:30am-12:30pm, judging starts at 1pm.
The Banner Contest: any group or individual can make a decked out banner to support their Canoe team, which obviously better be the Department of Library Information Science (wink, wink)!
DLIS 2016 Team Information:
DLIS 2016 Faculty Team: “Ranganathan’s Revenge” Andrea Copeland, Bill Helling, Ayoung Yoon and Kyle Jones
LIS 2016 Student/Alumni Team: “Reference This!” Stefany Boleyn & Stephen Lane (students)–Mahasin Ameen & Tara Foor (alumni)
Below are some pictures from the LIS department in Regattas past! We hope to see you this Saturday at 10:15am to cheer on the DLIS Regatta teams!
Team from 2015, Andrea Copeland, alternate rower, Bill Helling, Anna Nellis , Lydia Spotts, Tara Foor
Team from 2014, Andrea Copeland alternate rower, Ashlee Kirby, Kevin Connolly, Tara Foor, Mahasin Ameen,
Team from 2013 Andrea Copeland, Ashlee Kirby, Kevin Connolly, Heather Howard
For any additional information such as parking, vendor lists and to watch the 2015 Regatta video please visit , see you Saturday!
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