The IUSB Schurz Library sponsors a veterans book club that meets periodically throughout the semester. This fall it will be a Zoom event. For the kickoff, on October 28th, we have rescheduled a discussion originally slated for last March. The featured book will be Slaughterhouse Five, by Indiana author Kurt Vonnegut.
This is a fun and mind-bending ride through space and time. It centers on the prisoner of war experiences of the novel’s aptly named protagonist Billy Pilgrim, and his unmooring with reality after experiencing those horrors. The novel includes elements of satire, science fiction, autobiography and historical events. Chris Lafave, Curator with the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library, will be leading the conversation. There will be lots to discuss!
The Veterans Book Club is open to all who are interested in good conversation and interesting books. For questions, please get in touch with Rhonda Culbertson ( For more information on the book club please visit: